Alias Grace Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Alias Grace Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What song is Grace singing the first time Dr. Jordan hears her sing?
(a) Danny Boy.
(b) Amazing Grace.
(c) Rock of Ages.
(d) The Boys in the Tavern.

2. What does Grace say to McDermott when he tells her they will soon be married?
(a) That he will not sleep with her until then.
(b) That they do not have a way to get married in America.
(c) That she has to married by a minister.
(d) That she’d rather marry the devil himself.

3. Why is Dr. Jordan becoming disorganized and disoriented at home?
(a) Mrs. Humphreys is in his room too much.
(b) Mrs. Humphreys does not clean his room at all.
(c) He is not becoming disorganized or disoriented.
(d) Mrs. Humphreys cleans his room too well.

4. What kind of a stock investment does Dr. Jordan’s mother talk about in her letter?
(a) Sewing machines.
(b) Timber.
(c) Hot air balloons.
(d) Automatic rifles.

5. What interrupts the hypnosis session with Grace?
(a) A loud alarm bell at the prison.
(b) The governor coming into his office.
(c) Loud knocking of indistinct origin.
(d) Grace fainting.

6. Why is Grace depressed on her birthday in Chapter 8?
(a) She wishes to visit her family but they are too far away.
(b) She would like to be married.
(c) She feels completely alone.
(d) She feels that Nancy hates her.

7. Where does Grace find herself after she faints when McDermott points a gun at her?
(a) In her own bed.
(b) In Nancy’s room.
(c) On the ground in front of the house.
(d) On the kitchen floor.

8. What is the name of Grace’s lawyer?
(a) Kenneth MacKenzie.
(b) William Blackstone.
(c) Paul Truman.
(d) Richard O’Riley.

9. What does Nancy tell Grace to do for dinner that Grace does not want to do?
(a) Clean some fish.
(b) Kill a chicken.
(c) Cook collard greens.
(d) Pluck the feathers from a pheasant.

10. What is Grace given to do in her cell the night before Grace is hypnotized?
(a) Mending uniforms.
(b) Polishing brass.
(c) Knitting socks.
(d) Shining boots.

11. What does Grace say to McDermott when he is sitting on the front porch staring vacantly?
(a) What are you thinking about?
(b) Wake up.
(c) Be a man.
(d) Do you need to sleep?

12. What religion is James McDermott?
(a) Anglican.
(b) Quaker.
(c) Methodist.
(d) Catholic.

13. What poem does Grace talk about while men are pointing out steamers to her and telling her the boats’ names?
(a) The Odyssey.
(b) Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner.
(c) Lady of the Lake.
(d) Wreck of the Hesperus.

14. On what does Grace sleep in the prison?
(a) A pallet on the floor.
(b) A cotton mattress on a frame.
(c) A niche in the wall with a cotton mattress.
(d) A straw mattress.

15. Why won’t Dr. Jordan be able to get a shot of whiskey at Verringer’s house?
(a) He is a teetotaler.
(b) His wife is an alcoholic so he does not keep it in the house.
(c) Verringer cannot afford whiskey.
(d) He is Baptist.

Short Answer Questions

1. On what street is the law office of Kenneth MacKenzie?

2. In what kind of clothes was Mary Whitney buried?

3. In what graveyard that Dr. Jordan visits is Mary Whitney buried?

4. Why does Annie Little pinch Grace at breakfast?

5. What does Sally tell Grace when Grace asks her about going to work at the Kinnears?

(see the answer keys)

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