Alfred the Great: Asser's Life of King Alfred & Other Contemporary Sources Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Alfred the Great: Asser's Life of King Alfred & Other Contemporary Sources Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What appeared at Easter in 891?
(a) A lunar eclipse.
(b) A comet.
(c) An image of the Virgin Mary in the sky.
(d) A solar eclipse.

2. The first part of the code is from whom?
(a) Moses.
(b) Ine.
(c) Alfred.
(d) Edward.

3. What did Alfred the Great want to restore to England?
(a) Religious culture.
(b) The books it once contained.
(c) Spiritual enlightenment.
(d) Education.

4. When was the next document produced?
(a) 878.
(b) 886.
(c) 892.
(d) The exact date is not known.

5. Where did the third portion of the second part of Alfred's money go?
(a) Neighboring monasteries.
(b) The poor.
(c) The school.
(d) His monasteries.

6. Why did Alfred chose the work he did to be the first to be translated for himself?
(a) It focused on the traits needed for men in government.
(b) It was recommended to him by Asser.
(c) It was a gift from his father.
(d) It was a childhood favorite.

7. What was the second work translated?
(a) Understanding of Psychology.
(b) Explanation of Nobility.
(c) Discourse on Faith.
(d) Consolation of Philosophy.

8. In what year did the document included after the will give something to Aethelhelm?
(a) Upon Alfred's death.
(b) 886.
(c) 871.
(d) 892.

9. What aspect of his money did Alfred believe God would reward?
(a) Giving to charity.
(b) Spending it for his subjects.
(c) Tithing.
(d) Saving for an inheritance.

10. What is addressed in the will?
(a) Rulership.
(b) Care of family members.
(c) Private property.
(d) Instructions for funeral.

11. Whose Soliloquies did Alfred translate?
(a) St. Augustine's.
(b) Thomas Aquinas's.
(c) St. Francis's.
(d) Pope Gregory's.

12. Where did the Vikings travel in 894?
(a) Ireland.
(b) Wales.
(c) London.
(d) Scotland.

13. How many years did Alfred the Great rule?
(a) 17.
(b) 25.
(c) 28.
(d) 30.

14. What is the next document?
(a) A treaty.
(b) A transcription from a conversation.
(c) A letter.
(d) A debate.

15. Where did the fourth portion of the second part of Alfred's money go?
(a) His monasteries.
(b) The school.
(c) The poor.
(d) Neighboring monasteries.

Short Answer Questions

1. The Vikings split up into roving ______.

2. Chapter II translates the annals that cover Alfred's life that pick up from ______?

3. Into what language did a bishop translate Pope Gregory's work?

4. What was the name of the king who died in 890?

5. Where did the first portion of the second part of Alfred's money go?

(see the answer keys)

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