Alas, Babylon Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Pat Frank
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Alas, Babylon Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Pat Frank
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is a significant difference between war a few years ago and now?
(a) a tactical method called time-on-target
(b) the bombs are bigger
(c) there is no way to stop the bomber planes
(d) the bombs can't be tracked

2. What does Randy hear when he is awakened from his bed shaking?
(a) Helen screaming
(b) Florence yelling at his dog
(c) the children fighting
(d) long deep rumble

3. What does Randy remember when he wakes in Chapter Four?
(a) that he's suppose to call his brother
(b) that Helen is coming that day
(c) that he hasn't seen Lib
(d) more things he needs to buy

4. What does Alice say Randy is doing?
(a) going to sleep
(b) watching Lib drive away
(c) meditating
(d) stalking something

5. Where does Randy stop on his way home from town?
(a) at Lib's
(b) at a scenic overlook
(c) at the river
(d) at Florence's

Short Answer Questions

1. What has been declared on the radio?

2. What does Ben ask Randy?

3. How many supermarket carts does Randy fill?

4. How old is Randy?

5. What does Randy hear on the way home when he leaves Lib's house?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens at the bank when it gets low on money and what does Edgar do about it?

2. What does Florence tell Alice about Randy?

3. What happens in the "Hole" when General Hawker returns and talks with Mark?

4. Who is Florence Wechek and what is discovered about her at the beginning of the book?

5. What does Edgar Quisenberry do and how does he feel about it?

6. What does Dan say about Peyton's eyes and what does he do about them?

7. What happens when Mark's flight arrives at McCoy?

8. Why does Mark give Randy a check, what might they do with the money and how do they part?

9. What does Randy do when he first arrives at McCoy and what does he see?

10. What does Helen ask Admiral Hazzard and why?

(see the answer keys)

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