The Age of Innocence Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Age of Innocence Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Mr. Riviere?
(a) Newland's new law partner
(b) Newland's financial advisor
(c) May's tennis coach
(d) The messenger sent by the Count

2. Where is Newland sitting?
(a) At a restaurant table
(b) In his library
(c) In church
(d) At his desk at the office

3. At whose home do Newland, May, Mrs. Archer, Janey and Mr. Jackson dine before going to the opera?
(a) The MacMillans' home
(b) The van der Luydens' home
(c) The Carnegies' home
(d) The Beauforts' home

4. What is Newland's response to Ellen's statement about their relationship?
(a) He wants to go far away so they can be together
(b) He is instantly angry
(c) He understands but is heartbroken
(d) He cannot understand why she feels the way she does

5. Where is Newland surprised to see Ellen?
(a) At the train station
(b) In a cafe
(c) Sitting on a bench
(d) At the hotel gift shop

6. Who had visited Mrs. Mingott the night before to ask for help?
(a) Mrs. Astor
(b) Countess Olenska
(c) Mrs. Welland
(d) Mrs. Beaufort

7. Who is it rumored will soon lose all his money?
(a) Julius Beaufort
(b) Mr. van der Luyden
(c) Andrew Carnegie
(d) John D. Rockefeller

8. Ellen did not announce her intention to return to Europe until ________________________.
(a) The lease on her house had expired
(b) Count Olenska sent a wire
(c) Mrs. Mingott's health improved
(d) May told her she was pregnant

9. What does Newland tell May after the party?
(a) He needs a break and needs to go far away
(b) He is madly in love with her
(c) He wants to start a family
(d) The party was a great success

10. Who does Mr. Jackson insinuate has been supporting Ellen?
(a) Newland
(b) Mr. van der Luyden
(c) Julius Beaufort
(d) Mr. Welland

11. What do Newland and May do at the beginning of Chapter 24?
(a) Go to a matinee
(b) Walk in the park
(c) Have lunch
(d) Go to a museum

12. What new game does May enjoy playing?
(a) Croquet
(b) Volleyball
(c) Scrabble
(d) Tennis

13. What is the occasion of the first big event hosted at Newland and May's home?
(a) A birthday party for Mrs. Archer
(b) A going away party for Countess Olenska
(c) An anniversary party for the Wellands
(d) A bon voyage party for the Beauforts

14. What does Newland understand after his conversation with Mrs. Mingott?
(a) He will be the main benefactor in her will
(b) He does not want to get that old
(c) He is purposely excluded from conversations about Ellen
(d) He thinks she is losing her sanity

15. What does May tell Newland when he mentions Ellen?
(a) Newland will come to his senses in time
(b) He and Ellen can rot
(c) Ellen would never hurt her
(d) Ellen is returning to Europe

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Newland's decision about the horse?

2. What does Newland's frustration cause him to do?

3. Why does Ellen not pursue a relationship with Newland?

4. What does Newland convince Ellen to do?

5. Who is having dinner with Mrs. Archer, Janey, Newland and May?

(see the answer keys)

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