After the Rain Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

After the Rain Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What special request did Izzy have in regards to his funeral?
(a) He specified that there should be no funeral.
(b) He asked to be cremated.
(c) He wanted the funeral to be simple with no flowers or fuss.
(d) He asked to have Rachel read a passage.

2. How does Izzy greet Rachel each day, as of Chapter 36, when she arrives at the hospital to visit him?
(a) With disapproval and relief.
(b) With a weak smile.
(c) He is usually sleeping when she arrives.
(d) With a laugh and comment on her nerve.

3. What does Rachel eat at the hospital cafeteria with her parents when Shirley complains about the food?
(a) American goulash.
(b) Macaroni and cheese.
(c) A tuna salad sandwich.
(d) A chef salad.

4. What does Rachel find in Izzy's hospital room when she returns on the day following his first treatment?
(a) An empty bed.
(b) A plant from Alice Farnum.
(c) Balloons from Helena.
(d) Someone else in Izzy's bed.

5. How does Dr. North respond to Rachel's concerns that she should have made Izzy rest more?
(a) He says she has probably helped him live longer.
(b) He doesn't answer he.
(c) He says she is too young to be taking care of him anyway.
(d) He says it is just fluid accumulation.

Short Answer Questions

1. What change does Rachel notice in Izzy during his hospital stay?

2. What does Izzy complain about in Chapter 38?

3. How does Rachel envision herself in Chapter 41 when she thinks about Izzy never having another glass of water?

4. What does Rachel ask Jeremy on their walk?

5. Who waits outside of Izzy's hotel room with Rachel in Chapter 34?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the meal the Coopers share in the hospital cafeteria in Chapter 38.

2. What does Izzy's handprint mean to Rachel?

3. Is Rachel responsible, as of Chapter 31?

4. How does Rachel react to her Grandfather's groans as she waits outside his hospital room in Chapter 34?

5. Does Dr. North respect Izzy?

6. Describe Rachel and Izzy's visit to the cafe in Chapter 32.

7. Describe Izzy's surroundings in Chapter 35.

8. How does Rachel celebrate Helena's birthday?

9. Why is Izzy furious with everyone in Chapter 38?

10. Describe Rachel's feelings about Izzy's death based on her phone call with Lewis in Chapter 37.

(see the answer keys)

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