After the Rain Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

After the Rain Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Izzy leave in his medicine cabinet that his family finds after his death?
(a) A note with instrutions about his death.
(b) A short letter to Rachel.
(c) An appointment card for a different doctor.
(d) A bag of black jellybeans.

2. Where are Rachel and Lewis when they speak in Chapter 37?
(a) On the phone.
(b) At Rachel's kitchen table.
(c) In Poppie's Diner.
(d) In the hospital cafeteria.

3. On the second day in Chapter 38, what does Izzy talk to Rachel about?
(a) His courtship with Eva and her relationship with Lewis.
(b) Nothing, he refuses to speak to anyone.
(c) His career as a stone mason.
(d) Shirley and Manny.

4. What makes Rachel jealous when at Izzy's apartment in Chapter 32?
(a) Izzy's attention to Alice.
(b) Izzy's attention to Helena.
(c) Lewis's attention to Helena.
(d) Jeremy's attention to Shirley.

5. Who is at Izzy's apartment when he and Rachel return from their first walk after his second fall?
(a) Jeremy and Lenny.
(b) Alice Farnum.
(c) Helena, Mikey, and Lewis.
(d) Manny and Shirley.

6. In Rachel's journal account of Chapter 39, why does she say that Shirley had to leave Izzy on Sunday?
(a) She couldn't bear to see him in pain.
(b) She vomited and started running a fever.
(c) She had groceries in the car.
(d) She had to go to a funeral for a friend's child.

7. What does Uncle Lenny tell Rachel that surprises her?
(a) That she looks like Eva.
(b) That Izzy sent him a card once a year.
(c) That he had spoken to Izzy recently.
(d) That she speaks a lot like Izzy.

8. What does Shirley do when Rachel tells her about Izzy's second fall a full day after it occurs?
(a) Calls her self-centered.
(b) Sits down at the kitchen table and cries.
(c) Calls her irresponsible.
(d) Thanks her for devoting so much time to Izzy.

9. What does Rachel discover in Chapter 44 that makes her feel like Izzy left a legacy after all?
(a) A tree with a plaque donated by the stonemasons.
(b) His handprint and initials.
(c) The names of his children in a stone wall.
(d) The small footbridge he made for Eva.

10. What do Izzy and Rachel share on the park bench in Chapter 33?
(a) Coffee ice cream.
(b) Licorice.
(c) Chocolage.
(d) Black jellybeans.

11. What special request did Izzy have in regards to his funeral?
(a) He specified that there should be no funeral.
(b) He asked to be cremated.
(c) He wanted the funeral to be simple with no flowers or fuss.
(d) He asked to have Rachel read a passage.

12. What does Dr. North tell Shirley about Izzy's condition after his second fall?
(a) That Izzy needs an organ transplant.
(b) That Izzy will keep getting weaker.
(c) That Izzy must be hospitalized to get better.
(d) That Izzy should get his affairs in order.

13. What does Rachel eat at the hospital cafeteria with her parents when Shirley complains about the food?
(a) A tuna salad sandwich.
(b) A chef salad.
(c) American goulash.
(d) Macaroni and cheese.

14. Where does Uncle Lenny call from?
(a) His hospital bed.
(b) London.
(c) Scotland.
(d) The airport.

15. How does Shirley react to Rachel's request on the Monday after Izzy is hospitalized?
(a) She thinks it makes sense and argues about it with Manny.
(b) She says she can't make any more decisions right now.
(c) She hugs Rachel and tells her she is growing up too fast.
(d) She thinks its a bad idea and they argue.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jeremy ask Rachel to do in Chapter 43?

2. What is the day like when Rachel walks up and down West Creek Street counting the bridges?

3. Who is Phil?

4. What does Izzy want to do in Chapter 33 when Rachel arrives at his house early on Saturday morning?

5. What does Rachel say that her parents look like on the night that she stays at the hospital with Izzy?

(see the answer keys)

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