After the First Death Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

After the First Death Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What were Washington's orders for the General on the morning of the hijacking?
(a) To send the General into see the hostages.
(b) To bomb the entire hostage camp.
(c) To leave Ben out of the hijacking situations.
(d) To send Ben as the messenger.

2. Why does Ben feel he needs forgiveness?
(a) He thinks he failed his government.
(b) He has let his mother down.
(c) He needs it because he feels like he failed his father.
(d) He wanted to beat the terrorists.

3. Are many children saved as a result of the assault?
(a) Yes, almost all of the children are saved.
(b) Raymond is the only child who is saved.
(c) Raymond is the only child to die.
(d) No, many of the children were killed.

4. How is Miro careful to elude his captors?
(a) He slowly and carefully travels through the woods.
(b) He rides a bike to his next location.
(c) He disguises himself as a local.
(d) He dresses in camo attire.

5. What is ironic about Miro's escape?
(a) Miro never escapes.
(b) Miro is injured as he escapes.
(c) Miro is captured by the US government after he escapes.
(d) The person who caused all the devastation, goes unharmed.

6. Besides just knowing about his son's behavior, what has the General also learned about his son?
(a) Ben's emotional reactions to specific stimuli.
(b) Ben is in love.
(c) Ben is not that intelligent.
(d) Ben is very smart.

7. Does the reader ever really learn about Ben's mother?
(a) No, because she is dead.
(b) Yes, but only through the General's eyes.
(c) No.
(d) Yes, Ben mentions her briefly.

8. What has the military not figured out about capturing the terrorist leader?
(a) The stand off will not be over.
(b) The terrorists will carry on even if their leader is dead.
(c) The leader is not the heart of the movement.
(d) The terrorists will now kill all of the children.

9. Why don't the terrorists decide to kill Kate?
(a) They like Kate.
(b) They think Kate will be more valuable alive.
(c) They do not wish to kill Kate because she takes care of the children.
(d) They hope Kate will take care of them.

10. What does Kate underestimate?
(a) Miro's love for Artkin.
(b) Miro's problem with Kate.
(c) Miro's guilt over Artkin's death.
(d) Miro's hate of Artkin.

11. While everything happens, what happens to the helicopter?
(a) It crashes into the river.
(b) It explodes from a bomb.
(c) It crashes into the van.
(d) It keeps flying away.

12. How does Miro finally escape?
(a) He steals a cop car.
(b) By stealing the bus and rushing off.
(c) He catches a boat to another country.
(d) By stealing a car.

13. How had the General learned almost everything he knew about Ben?
(a) He asked his wife about their son.
(b) He would speak with teachers to learn about his son.
(c) He has been spying on Ben.
(d) He had deep conversations with his father.

14. What causes the General to break down?
(a) Ben's anger towards him.
(b) His wife deciding to leave him.
(c) Ben's refusal to forgive him.
(d) His own guilt and Ben's death.

15. Where is the General's real location as he narrates?
(a) He is staying with his parents.
(b) His home.
(c) A mental institution.
(d) A home for older adults.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name Ben's father uses in relation to Inner Delta missions?

2. Why is Kate allowed to live?

3. What is Miro's character perceived to be?

4. What does Kate finally decide to do with the children?

5. How does Artkin die?

(see the answer keys)

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