After the First Death Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

After the First Death Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What chapters is the General now narrating?
(a) Even chapters.
(b) The odd chapters.
(c) All chapters.
(d) He is not.

2. How does the reader sense that Artkin's and Miro's relationship is different?
(a) There seems to be some affection between the two.
(b) Miro sees that Artkin now hates him.
(c) Artkin is angry with Miro and showing it.
(d) Artkin chooses Miro over the others whenever possible.

3. Where does Miro put Kate's body?
(a) He leaves it in the woods.
(b) In a river.
(c) In the school bus.
(d) He buries it in a cemetery.

4. Why is Raymond's death so sad?
(a) Raymond did not die.
(b) He came to his parents later in life.
(c) Another innocent was killed.
(d) Kate was forced to kill Raymond.

5. What does the leader learn about Ben?
(a) Ben has hoped he and his father could soon become close.
(b) He has moved on with his life.
(c) He has been filled with guilt over giving up information about the
(d) He is going to college.

6. Why does Miro kill Kate?
(a) Kate asks for her death.
(b) Because he thought she lied to distract him.
(c) Because Kate disrespects him.
(d) Because he was attacted to her.

7. What country do the terrorists seem to be fighting for?
(a) A South American country.
(b) An African or MIddle Eastern country.
(c) A European country.
(d) An Asian country.

8. Does the reader ever really learn about Ben's mother?
(a) No.
(b) Yes, Ben mentions her briefly.
(c) No, because she is dead.
(d) Yes, but only through the General's eyes.

9. What is the name Ben's father uses in relation to Inner Delta missions?
(a) Briggs.
(b) Bransome.
(c) Brains.
(d) Brakes.

10. What mistake does Kate make?
(a) She should have only looked out for herself.
(b) She chooses to sleep with Miro.
(c) She underestimates how guilty Miro feels about Artkin's death.
(d) She tries to connect too closely with Miro.

11. How had the General learned almost everything he knew about Ben?
(a) He has been spying on Ben.
(b) He had deep conversations with his father.
(c) He asked his wife about their son.
(d) He would speak with teachers to learn about his son.

12. Why is the General leading this new life?
(a) Because of his horrible decision to use his son for the military.
(b) Because his wife left him.
(c) He wanted a new start to life.
(d) He wants a new wife.

13. What did the General know that Ben would do if he was captured?
(a) He would create problems for
(b) He knew that Ben would spill information.
(c) The General would be incredibly mad.
(d) He knew that Ben would make a mistake.

14. Why is Kate allowed to live?
(a) Miro is attracted to her.
(b) She is easy on the eyes.
(c) She can help with the kids.
(d) Artkin is attracted to her.

15. What main theme is seen in this section?
(a) Self loathing.
(b) Guilt.
(c) Forgiveness.
(d) Happiness.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Miro feel over Artkin?

2. After Ben recovered from his wounds, what happened to him?

3. What does Kate think will happen to her if she can talk to Miro?

4. How do the General's thoughts seem to be organized?

5. What were Washington's orders for the General on the morning of the hijacking?

(see the answer keys)

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