After the First Death Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

After the First Death Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What has Artkin promised to treat Miro as?
(a) His son.
(b) An equal.
(c) An adult.
(d) A friend.

2. How many people will work to hijack the bus?
(a) A team of two people.
(b) Ten men.
(c) Just one man.
(d) Four men.

3. What has Miro successfully completed?
(a) His board exams.
(b) His high school GED.
(c) His acceptance into a Middle Eastern training camp.
(d) All of the tests assigned to him by Artkin.

4. Where does Kate put this object?
(a) She puts it in her shoe.
(b) In her pocket.
(c) Hides it in her bra.
(d) In her sock.

5. What is a second thing the terrorists hope to gain from the hijacking?
(a) The re-establishment of their ruler.
(b) They want weapons.
(c) Their own country to rule.
(d) Money that will help continue their fight for freedom.

6. What else does Miro tell Kate about concerning his home?
(a) He hates his home.
(b) He is enjoying America and might not want to go home.
(c) He will do anything to return to his homeland.
(d) He misses the people from his home.

7. Why is Miro concerned about the bus' location?
(a) There is no where to collect supplies.
(b) He thinks that they have set themsleves up for a trap.
(c) He does not know how they will make outside contact with others.
(d) He thinks it will be easy for the hotsages to escape.

8. What does Miro and Artkin's relationship resemble?
(a) Two very close friends.
(b) An uncle and nephew.
(c) That of a father and son.
(d) Lovers.

9. Why does Kate feel angry that she is on the bus?
(a) She thinks the hijackers have some nerve taking over the bus.
(b) She normally does not drive this bus route.
(c) She was supposed to go to the beach today.
(d) She thinks she is too young to die.

10. What does Kate hope she can do to save the day?
(a) She will try to steal a gun and kill the terrorists.
(b) She hopes that she can drive the bus off the bridge.
(c) She hopes to distract Miro and make an escape with Ray.
(d) She wants to make a run for it.

11. The hijackers give the children candy, but what is wrong with it?
(a) It contains a drug to sedate them.
(b) The candy holds a lot of nutritents.
(c) It is laced with LSD.
(d) The chemicals in the candy will prevent the children from going to the bathroom.

12. Who is responsible for these three teenagers' problems?
(a) Adults.
(b) Other children.
(c) Themselves.
(d) The government.

13. If Sedeete does not hear the signal, what should Artkin do?
(a) Kill Kate.
(b) Kill one child at a time.
(c) Kill all the children.
(d) Torture the children.

14. What does Miro tell Kate about?
(a) About his brother.
(b) The memories he has of his mother.
(c) He tells her about his childhood.
(d) His missing father.

15. How do the terrorists dispose of the dead body?
(a) They dump it in the river.
(b) They lower the body over the side of the bridge.
(c) They tie it up.
(d) They burn it.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Kate find in her wallet?

2. As Chapter 5 begins, what does Ben hope he can gain from his father?

3. To Ben, the day of the hijacking begins as __________________.

4. What did Ben's father work as?

5. How many times will Sedeete send his signal between now and nine am?

(see the answer keys)

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