The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who breaks the rules of the game?
(a) Tom, by letting the tick out the window
(b) Joe, by dropping the tick on the floor
(c) Joe, by smashing the tick
(d) Tom, by playing with the tick during Joe's turn

2. What is the object of the game?
(a) to move the tick in a perfect circle
(b) to keep the tick on the player's side
(c) to move the tick to the other side
(d) to keep the tick moving

3. How many tickets are needed to earn a prize?
(a) twenty red tickets
(b) five blue tickets
(c) fifty green tickets
(d) ten yellow tickets

4. Who do the boys find sleeping in their hideout?
(a) Muff Potter
(b) Injun Joe
(c) Joe Harper
(d) Jeff Thatcher

5. What time is it, when Tom thinks it must be dawn while he is waiting to meet Huck?
(a) nine o'clock
(b) eleven o'clock
(c) twelve o'clock
(d) ten o'clock

Short Answer Questions

1. Why doesn't Huck want to tell what the boys saw?

2. What does the sheriff say about catching Muff Potter?

3. What are the men at the graveyard for?

4. What does Tom offer Becky to console her?

5. What does Huck teach the other boys?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Tom and Joe's plan to run away?

2. Describe what Tom hears while he waits for Huck.

3. What is Aunt Polly's reaction to Tom's disappearance?

4. What is Tom dissatisfied with by the end of the Sunday service?

5. Describe Aunt Polly's dilemma in punishing Tom.

6. Describe Polly's reaction when Tom says he's done with the whitewashing.

7. Describe what Tom draws on his slate for Becky.

8. Describe the analogy between Peter, the cat, and Tom.

9. What does Tom make Becky whisper in his ear?

10. Why does Tom confess that he stopped to talk with Huckleberry Finn on the way to school?

(see the answer keys)

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