The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the sheriff say about catching Muff Potter?
(a) He is confident about finding Potter before dark.
(b) He is confident about finding Potter within the week.
(c) He is sure Potter has escaped.
(d) He thinks they will find Potter dead.

2. Does Tom leave Aunt Polly his note?
(a) Yes, he leaves the note on her bed.
(b) No, he changes his mind at the last minute.
(c) Yes, he leaves the note by the bedside, but the wind blows it away.
(d) No, he never planned to give Polly a note.

3. What is Tom's reaction to his bath?
(a) Tom procrastinates in the bath, playing sailor.
(b) Tom goes to sleep in the bath because he's bored.
(c) Tom sings loudly and out of key in the bath.
(d) Tom hates taking a bath and tries to only pretend to take one.

4. Where has Tom heard of the ailment he fakes?
(a) from a teacher
(b) from a friend at school
(c) from a doctor
(d) in a book

5. Where does Tom go to be alone?
(a) an empty cabin in the woods
(b) a crawlspace under the school
(c) a log raft in the river
(d) a field out by the fishing pond

6. Who is Jim?
(a) Tom's friend from school
(b) Tom's half-brother
(c) a runaway who lives in the woods
(d) a black boy who works at the house

7. What can the children get with their Sunday School tickets?
(a) a shiny cross
(b) a Sunday hat
(c) a new Bible
(d) new Sunday clothes

8. What does Tom give to Becky?
(a) an orange
(b) a pear
(c) a peach
(d) an apple

9. What does Aunt Polly do about Tom's loose tooth?
(a) She pulls it out with string.
(b) She pulls it out with pliers.
(c) She gives him gum to chew.
(d) She gives him an apple to bite into.

10. What does Tom do to try to ease his conscience?
(a) He denies himself the pleasure of playing hooky.
(b) He brings gifts to Muff Potter.
(c) He does all his chores for Aunt Polly.
(d) He studies his Bible verses for Sunday school.

11. What noise does Tom make out the window, before climbing down?
(a) a crow's caw
(b) a dog's yowl
(c) a coyote's howl
(d) a cat's meow

12. Who do Tom and Huck think Muff Potter, Injun Joe, and Doctor Robinson are when they first approach?
(a) witches
(b) animals
(c) ghosts
(d) devils

13. What does Muff leave behind?
(a) a cigarette butt
(b) the murder weapon
(c) his jacket
(d) his shoe

14. What is the potential consequence Tom heard that the illness could have?
(a) falling into a coma
(b) losing a finger
(c) needing an operation
(d) being paralyzed

15. What is Tom's recent accomplishment?
(a) learning to catch tree frogs
(b) learning to write in cursive
(c) learning to whistle
(d) learning to throw a spitball

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Tom decide to run away to become?

2. What do Joe and Tom feel guilty about?

3. What role do Tom and Joe Harper take in the battle?

4. What does the schoolmaster do after learning of the news?

5. What do the boys expect to happen when Injun Joe lies about the murder?

(see the answer keys)

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