Adrift: Seventy-Six Days Lost at Sea Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Steven Callahan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Adrift: Seventy-Six Days Lost at Sea Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Steven Callahan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Callahan becomes _________ at the sight of his lost boat and his lost dream, it seems.

2. What does Callahan call 'dangerously capricious' when he is writing down his thoughts in his journal?

3. What is in the soup of rainwater that gives Callahan something new and different to eat in his diet?

4. What has caused all of the sores and boils on Callahan's body as he has been sitting in his life raft?

5. Why doesn't anyone on the freighter that Callahan spots see that he is signaling them to see him?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Callahan decide to ease his digestion as the lack of bowel movements are becoming uncomfortable and upsetting to him?

2. Why does Callahan want to have calmer weather, even though it might mean that he has a longer time until he might reach the shipping lanes?

3. How long does Callahan calculate it will take the boat to reach the shipping lanes of the ocean?

4. How does Callahan get the supplies he needs as he moves to his new location in the life raft?

5. What is one of the signs that the life raft Callahan is using for survival is not holding air as well as it used to?

6. Where does the sinking of the Napoleon Solo take place, according to Callahan's calculations?

7. What does Callahan learn about the Italian vessel he passes during the beginning stages of the race?

8. Why is it important for the harpoon gun to have a strap on it, according to Callahan?

9. What does Mr. Willoughby try to tell Callahan about his dream to sail a boat across the ocean?

10. What happens as a result of Callahan fixing up the holes in his raft as he is sailing along in the water?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Several times, it seems that Callahan might have been able to be rescued from his boat.

Part 1: Why do you think that Callahan's continued efforts to signal were not seen or heard?

Part 2: Is there anything else that Callahan could have done to be noticed? Why or why not?

Part 3: Do you think Callahan had the right tools in order to be noticed in the Atlantic Ocean?

Essay Topic 2

Callahan is an experienced sailor and so it seems that he is able to know what he needs to do in order to survive.

Part 1: Do you think society as a whole knows what they would need to do in Callahan's situation?

Part 2: Do you think Callahan's experience increased his rate of survival?

Part 3: How do you think a non-experienced sailor might react in this sort of survival situation?

Essay Topic 3

Callahan is rescued in the end but it seems that his new loss of complete freedom causes him to be frustrated with the world.

Part 1: What freedoms has Callahan lost as a result of being rescued from the sea?

Part 2: Do you think it's reasonable for Callahan to be upset that he can not do anything he wants to do?

Part 3: How do you think you would feel if you were rescued after so many days at sea?

(see the answer keys)

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