Admiral Hornblower in the West Indies Test | Final Test - Hard

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Admiral Hornblower in the West Indies Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why won't any of the men take the letter to the governor?

2. Why does Hornblower advise against Hooper's plan as far as the pirates are concerned?

3. About what is Hooper furious?

4. What does Spendlove do as he recovers?

5. Where does Hornblower decide to sail?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Hornblower learn from the Dutch and Spanish ministers with whom he converses?

2. Describe Ned Johnson.

3. Where do Hornblower and Spendlove figure they are?

4. What are the implications of the capture of the Helmond?

5. Describe the strike on the pirate's redoubt and the outcome.

6. What happens immediately upon Hornblower's return that is disconcerting to him?

7. Why does Hornblower quickly leave Curaçao and where does he go?

8. Describe Charles Ramsbottom.

9. How do Hornblower and the governor disagree and what does Hornblower do about it for the moment?

10. Who does Hornblower meet ashore at Puerto Cabello and what ensues while Hornblower is ashore?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The plot of Chapter 4 relies heavily upon the regional geopolitical situation existent during the early 1820s in the West Indies. Discuss one of the following:

1. Research and describe the geopolitical situation during the early 1820s in the West Indies. What countries have a political interest in the area? Which countries have colonies in the area? Who is aligned with each other? What tensions are present?

2. Research, describe and analyze the presence of Simón Bolívar in Venezuela during the early 1820s. How does he help bring about Venezuela's independence from Spain? Does his cause seem just? How does he influence the obtaining of independence of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia? How is he viewed today in those countries?

3. Knowing Hornblower's position as an English admiral, how do you think he viewed someone such as Simón Bolívar? What political stand does England take during this time in the West Indies? Is Hornblower likely to have contributed to England maintaining their power in the West Indies? How?

Essay Topic 2

Though Captain Fell believes he has lost the opportunity to capture the slave ship Estrella del Sur, Hornblower believes otherwise and concots a plan and then orders his secretary Spendlove to suggests the plan to Fell as if it were Spendlove's own idea. Discuss the following:

1. Why do you think Hornblower has Spendlove suggest the plan? (Consider that this is Fell's ship though Hornblower, who outranks Fell is aboard using the ship as his flagship.)

2. What does it say about Hornblower as a leader to get the plan to Fell in the way he does rather than telling Fell the plan himself?

3. Would you consider Hornblower a good leader? Why? Cite examples.

4. How would you characterize Captain Fell as a leader? Use examples to support your statements. Do you think it is wise of Hornblower to help Fell stay in command even though Hornblower believes Fell's abilities as a ship captain are lacking?

Essay Topic 3

During this era when the book takes place, if a vessel under the command of a naval officer captures another vessel from a country with whom they are warring or captures a pirate vessel, etc...the crew of the victorious vessel shares in the goods, money and value of the vessel. Discuss the following:

1. Why do you think the British had such a "prize" policy in place then?

2. What are the possible abuses that can arise from such a policy?

3. Why do you think this policy is eventually abandoned?

4. Do you think the per head prize money for slave vessels help contribute to the ending of slavery? Why or why not?

(see the answer keys)

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