Admiral Hornblower in the West Indies Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Admiral Hornblower in the West Indies Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens to the Helmond's artillery guns?

2. Why is Governor Hooper outraged?

3. What does Hornblower do after lunch?

4. What does Johnson want of Hornblower?

5. Why does Hornblower read the letter aloud?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Hornblower manage to avoid a confrontation with Spanish and Dutch officials and where does Hornblower go from Puerto Cabello?

2. Describe the strike on the pirate's redoubt and the outcome.

3. Why does Hornblower quickly leave Curaçao and where does he go?

4. Describe the area where Hornblower and Spendlove are being held.

5. Describe Charles Ramsbottom.

6. Who has kidnapped Hornblower and Spendlove and what are the demands?

7. Where do Hornblower and Spendlove figure they are?

8. What happens immediately upon Hornblower's return that is disconcerting to him?

9. Why does Hornblower write the letter and what demonstrates how little authority Johnson has over the group?

10. Describe Hornblower's capture and journey to the cliffs.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Discuss one of the following:

1. Define irony in literary terms. Discuss the irony of the situation with Hudnutt and Hornblower with Hornblower being musically deaf and asked to judge an issue that has to do with music. What is the irony of Hornblower's name in this situation? Discuss the irony of Hornblower lying to Cambronne about Napoleon's death and then it being true. How does irony add to the enjoyment of reading?

2. Define symbolism in literary terms. Discuss the use of and meaning of the steam engine, the Napoleonic-era uniforms, the bearskin cap, the name of Ramsbottom's boat after renaming it (Desperate) and the seal of office that Ned Johnson requests on the pirates' pardon.

3. Discuss the use of foreshadowing in literature. What is the purpose of foreshadowing? Cite 3 examples of foreshadowing and how it is used to indicate events to come in ADMIRAL HORNBLOWER IN THE WEST INDIES.

Essay Topic 2

Discuss one of the following:

1. Trace and analyze one major theme of Admiral Hornblower in the West Indies. Consider the following: How does one character's actions portray the theme you are analyzing? How does the setting contribute to that theme? Is the theme one that you would call a "universal theme"? If so, what other book or novel that you have read also includes this theme. If not, why don't you think it is a "universal" theme?

2. Trace and analyze two secondary themes of Admiral Hornblower in the West Indies. How does one character's actions portray the themes you are analyzing? How does the setting contribute to that theme? Is the theme one that you would call a "universal theme"? If so, what other book or novel that you have read also includes this theme. If not, why don't you think it is a "universal" theme?

3. What benefit is there in discussing and analyzing the themes of a work of fiction? Do you think most authors consciously develop themes in their works? Why or why not? Can there be accidental themes? What do you think is one possible "accidental" theme in Admiral Hornblower in the West Indies. Which theme in ADMIRAL HORNBLOWER IN THE WEST INDIES speaks to you the most in your life? Why?

Essay Topic 3

Admiral Hornblower is in some ways a larger-than-life hero. Despite incredible odds, he usually comes out on top, in this book and in the others in the series. Discuss the following:

1. Does having a larger-than-life hero make that person less of a hero? In other words, which is more admirable--a hero who ultimately always "lands on his feet," or one who strives against impossible odds and doesn't always succeed?

2. Does a character have to be successful in order to be a hero? Explain your answer.

3. Choose one other character besides Hornblower who you might call a hero/heroine and explain why you choose that person.

4. Does every work of fiction have to have a hero? Explain your answer.

(see the answer keys)

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