Admiral Hornblower in the West Indies Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

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Admiral Hornblower in the West Indies Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do Hornblower and Fell differ in their opinion of the situation?

2. Who is Captain Thomas Fell?

3. How does Hornblower board the Crab?

4. What happens after Spendlove follows Hornblower's orders?

5. What is the ideal situation once the Estrella reaches high seas?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Cambronne verify Hornblower's information and what is the reaction of Cambronne and the ship's crew?

2. How large is the fleet Rear Admiral Hornblower commands and why is his flagship one of the lesser vessels?

3. What does Hornblower tell Cambronne when Hornblower boards the Daring?

4. How does Hornblower encounter the Estrella del Sur's captain and what does Hornblower do?

5. How is Hornblower not up to his usual powers of observation and deduction?

6. Who commands the Clorinda and what is his financial situation?

7. Describe Fell's decision regarding the Estrella del Sur and the result of the decision.

8. What vessel has Hornblower made his flagship in this chapter and what is the vessel doing?

9. What does Sharpe tell Hornblower about who has hired the Daring.

10. What has been done while Hornblower was verbally sparring with the captain of the Estrella del Sur?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The plot of Chapter 4 relies heavily upon the regional geopolitical situation existent during the early 1820s in the West Indies. Discuss one of the following:

1. Research and describe the geopolitical situation during the early 1820s in the West Indies. What countries have a political interest in the area? Which countries have colonies in the area? Who is aligned with each other? What tensions are present?

2. Research, describe and analyze the presence of Simón Bolívar in Venezuela during the early 1820s. How does he help bring about Venezuela's independence from Spain? Does his cause seem just? How does he influence the obtaining of independence of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia? How is he viewed today in those countries?

3. Knowing Hornblower's position as an English admiral, how do you think he viewed someone such as Simón Bolívar? What political stand does England take during this time in the West Indies? Is Hornblower likely to have contributed to England maintaining their power in the West Indies? How?

Essay Topic 2

Most protagonists are a mixture of admirable traits and character flaws, and Admiral Horatio Hornblower is no exception. Hornblower's legendary power of reasoning is juxtaposed with his nervousness and internalized self-doubt. Discuss the following:

1. Trace and analyze situations when Hornblower demonstrates his prodigious powers of reasoning. Give specific examples to illustrate your analysis.

2. Trace and analyze Hornblower's character flaws, especially his nervousness and self-doubt, offering specific examples of these flaws in your discussion.

3. Discuss how you think Hornblower's admirable traits helped him obtain a high rank in the Navy, and how Hornblower hides his character flaws so they have not impeded his career. Do any of those under his command seem to notice these flaws? Who? How does the reader know this?

Essay Topic 3

Forester is masterful in his description of battles, storms and life in general in the West Indies in the early 1820s. Discuss one of the following:

1. Trace and analyze Forester's descriptive passages about life at sea, particularly in times of stormy weather. How does he use descriptions of the five senses to make the reader feel s/he is there? Do you find his descriptions compelling? Seemingly accurate? How would the novel be different if he did not include such descriptive passages?

2. Analyze Forester's descriptive passages about the social structure of the times and discuss what you think it would be like to be a person of wealth and/or privilege such as Hornblower, Ramsbottom, Governor Hooper, Mr. Hough. Contrast that to the lives of those who are in a lower social strata such as Hudnutt, Ned Johnson or one in service to someone of wealth and/or privilege.

3. Describe and analyze Forester's descriptive passages about the topographical setting and the physical descriptions of the peopl. Does Forester do an adequate job of actually making the reader "see" the land/sea where the action is taking place? How about getting a visual image of the characters? How does the descriptions of the setting add to the novel? Do you like having an idea of how a character looks? How would the novel be different without such descriptions?

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