The Accidental Tourist Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Accidental Tourist Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mrs. Dugan tell Macon about Muriel's past?
(a) Mrs. Dugan tells him about Muriel's unsavory boyfriends and lapses in judgment.
(b) Mrs. Dugan tells him about Muriel's swimming competitions.
(c) Mrs. Dugan tells him about Muriel's college days and her joining a sorority.
(d) Mrs. Dugan tells him about Muriel's reconciliation with Norman.

2. According to Macon, what is the main reason he can't come to dinner at Muriel's?
(a) Macon is still in love with Sarah.
(b) Macon has no interest in women since Ethan died.
(c) Macon wants to cook for her instead.
(d) Macon has an urgent meeting with Julian.

3. What does Julian show Macon that he's going to give to Rose?
(a) An engagement ring.
(b) His grandmother's earrings.
(c) A pearl necklace.
(d) A new car.

4. What does Macon teach Alexander to do?
(a) Fix a leaky faucet.
(b) Mow the lawn.
(c) Drive a car.
(d) Ride a bike.

5. In Vancouver, what does Sarah ask Macon on the phone?
(a) If Macon plans on staying with Muriel forever.
(b) If Edward can stay with her at the house.
(c) If Muriel is a good person.
(d) If Macon is coming back next week.

6. Why does Muriel give Macon a big calendar with a date marked in red?
(a) The date is the day Edward needs to go to the vet.
(b) The date is the day they leave for France.
(c) The date is the day Muriel has picked for their wedding.
(d) The date is their first year anniversary.

7. What is Macon's response to his discovery when he goes back to his house after the storm?
(a) Macon is nonchalant, and confident the insurance company will take care of it.
(b) Macon is despondent, but glad the insurance company will take care of it.
(c) Macon is relieved that everything is fine.
(d) Macon is upset, sure that the insurance company won't pay for it.

8. Why does Rose move back in with her brothers?
(a) Because Julian is away on business.
(b) Because she and Julian broke up.
(c) Because their lives are a mess since she got married.
(d) Because she had a fight with Julian.

9. Where does Rose and Julian's wedding ceremony take place?
(a) At the courthouse.
(b) In a rented hall.
(c) At a Lutheran church.
(d) Outside at the Leary household.

10. Why does Muriel leave messages for Macon all over the house?
(a) Because she wants to go to France with Macon, and he says they can't afford it.
(b) Because Alexander asks her to, so that Macon won't leave them.
(c) Because Macon keeps forgetting things, and she wants to remind him.
(d) Because their schedules conflict, and it's the easiest way to communicate.

11. What does Macon remind Muriel about on the phone when he calls her while Sarah is at her sculpture class?
(a) That Alexander has soccer practice on Saturday.
(b) That it is bee season and to take special care with Alexander.
(c) That Edward's training session is coming up.
(d) That the gutters need to be cleaned out after the rain.

12. What does Macon do in lieu of calling Muriel?
(a) Goes for a long walk to clear his head.
(b) Sends flowers and a thank you card.
(c) Writes a note and delivers it at her house.
(d) Calls Rose instead and asks for advice.

13. What does Julian invite Macon and Muriel to?
(a) Rose's birthday party.
(b) A cookout at Julian's house.
(c) Julian and Rose's wedding.
(d) Easter dinner.

14. What does Macon have at lunch with Sarah that he has never had before?
(a) Dessert.
(b) An appetizer.
(c) The house special.
(d) Wine.

15. What major life decision does Macon make in Paris?
(a) Macon decides to adopt a son.
(b) Macon decides to go back to Muriel.
(c) Macon decides to move to Paris.
(d) Macon decides to stay with Sarah.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Julian planning to do for Christmas?

2. Why does Julian ask Macon for advice regarding his marriage to Rose?

3. Why is Mr. Dugan preoccupied?

4. What does the plumber tell Sarah about the damage to the house?

5. What is the horrible thought Macon has at Rose and Julian's wedding?

(see the answer keys)

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