The Accidental Tourist Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Accidental Tourist Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Macon spend most of his time after Sarah leaves?
(a) Eating.
(b) Sleeping.
(c) Reading.
(d) Cleaning.

2. What is the main reason Macon keeps Edward?
(a) Macon wants his company.
(b) Edward belongs to Sarah.
(c) Edward belonged to Ethan.
(d) Edward is a good watchdog.

3. Why does Macon feel inadequate with Muriel?
(a) Because she is unfriendly and mean.
(b) Because she makes it so easy to control Edward and he has no control over him.
(c) Because he is intimidated by her good looks.
(d) Because he never finished school and she has a graduate degree.

4. Where does Macon take Edward to after leaving the kennel?
(a) His sister's.
(b) Meow-Bow Animal Hospital.
(c) Sarah's.
(d) The ASPCA.

5. What surprises Macon and Muriel as they are talking about her son and ex-husband?
(a) Rose calls out for help.
(b) Julian pays a surprise visit.
(c) Macon kisses Muriel.
(d) Edward jumps up on Muriel.

6. Who has Rose been seeing?
(a) Boyd Dugan.
(b) Julian Edge.
(c) Garner Bolt.
(d) No one.

7. Why is Julian disappointed when he brings over papers about New York?
(a) Julian realizes he has missed dinner.
(b) Julian realizes Macon isn't home.
(c) Julian realizes he forgot an important document.
(d) Julian realizes Sarah isn't there.

8. What restaurant do Macon and Sarah agree to meet at for dinner?
(a) Old Cove.
(b) Old Dock.
(c) Old Shore.
(d) Old Bay.

9. Where does Macon display flexibility in his schedule?
(a) He takes an afternoon break on Wednesdays.
(b) He switches to eating at restaurants.
(c) He switches to showering at night.
(d) He works three days a week instead of five.

10. What does Macon do after Sarah has left the restaurant?
(a) Macon asks the waiter to box his leftovers and drives home.
(b) Macon finishes his dinner and calls Rose to pick him up.
(c) Macon waits for Sarah to return with the car.
(d) Macon pays for the bill and meets Sarah at her place.

11. Why does Sarah grip the dashboard?
(a) Because a deer runs in front of the car.
(b) Because Macon is yelling.
(c) Because they are lost.
(d) Because it is raining heavily.

12. How does Sarah greet Macon at the restaurant?
(a) She kisses him on both cheeks as if she wants to reconcile.
(b) She hugs him warmly as if she has never left him.
(c) She shakes his hand firmly as if she's doing business.
(d) She presses her cheek to his briefly as if they are acquaintances.

13. Why is the restaurant where Macon and Sarah agree to meet significant?
(a) Because Macon's been going there ever since his grandparents took him as a little boy.
(b) Because Sarah's father took her when she was a little girl.
(c) Because Macon and Sarah got engaged there.
(d) Because Macon and Sarah know the owner well.

14. What is Macon wearing when he first meets Sarah?
(a) A football uniform.
(b) Jeans, t-shirt, and sneakers.
(c) A black turtleneck, black pants, and sandals.
(d) A suit and tie.

15. According to Garner, how does Macon react to the neighbors' offers of help after Edward dies?
(a) Macon accepts their help to cook and clean for them.
(b) Macon rejects offers of help to bring a casserole or mow the lawn.
(c) Macon tells them to mind their own business.
(d) Macon asks them to fix the house up while they are gone.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Macon thinks of Sarah in her apartment, what does he imagine?

2. What do Macon and Susan discuss at dinner?

3. What is Muriel's dog training specialty?

4. What does Macon daydream about when Sarah calls?

5. According to Macon, what does his mother treat like a religion?

(see the answer keys)

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