The Accident Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Accident Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens moments later?
(a) The protagonist is hit by a cab.
(b) The protagonist and Kathleen are walking along the Seine together.
(c) The protagonist and Kathleen say goodbye to each other.
(d) The protagonist invites Kathleen to dinner.

2. What should one not look at too long?
(a) The sea.
(b) Their friends.
(c) Their souls.
(d) The dark.

3. Leaving the meal uneaten, what do the protagonist and Kathleen discuss?
(a) Where to find a better meal.
(b) The time.
(c) Where they should go next.
(d) The protagonist's inability to eat meat.

4. What does the nurse give the patient?
(a) A hug.
(b) Dinner.
(c) Water.
(d) Two injections.

5. What happens when his pleas for mercy go unheard?
(a) The boy tells him to run for his life.
(b) The man is escorted out of the prison camp.
(c) He is shot by the Nazis.
(d) The young boy finds the same man hanging from the rafters of the barracks.

6. To whom does he run?
(a) His teacher.
(b) His mother.
(c) His best friend.
(d) His grandmother.

7. What does the main character think is impossible to find?
(a) A cure for cancer.
(b) Any satisfaction in life.
(c) A place to call home.
(d) His family.

8. What does Kathleen try to convince him to do?
(a) Go to a movie.
(b) Go home.
(c) Rest.
(d) Eat something.

9. What does the protagonist vow?
(a) He will not forget his grandmother's words.
(b) Each time he feels the cold he will remember his grandmother's comforting message.
(c) He will pray to God in his grandmother's memory.
(d) Each time he feels the cold he will remember his grandmother's ashes.

10. Why does he believe his grandmother is waiting outside?
(a) The doctor tells him his grandmother is outside.
(b) He can see her in the doorway.
(c) He thinks he hears her voice.
(d) He is trapped between the past and the present.

11. What does he want to do?
(a) See a mystery.
(b) Go home.
(c) Go to nicer restaurant.
(d) See the city skyline.

12. Who has Kathleen left standing at the box office?
(a) Halina.
(b) Her original date.
(c) Shimon.
(d) The protagonist.

13. What is causing this insatiable thirst?
(a) The medication in the IVs.
(b) An intense fever due to an infection.
(c) His memory of his grandmother.
(d) He has not had water in over twenty-four hours.

14. Why can he not have a drink?
(a) It will make him vomit.
(b) He is about to go into surgery.
(c) He is on IVs.
(d) There is no water available.

15. What does the protagonist do when Kathleen attempts to start a conversation?
(a) He listens to her.
(b) He cuts her off.
(c) He stops her.
(d) He joins in the conversation.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens when she is also crying out for water?

2. Eventually, what does the protagonist come to realize?

3. Why does he tell her he does not want to talk about himself?

4. In the first section of the novel, where is the protagonist with his girlfriend, Kathleen?

5. What is happening in his memory of the concentration camp?

(see the answer keys)

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