Absalom, Absalom! Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Absalom, Absalom! Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Thomas Sutpen do during the war?
(a) Fights for the North.
(b) Moves to New Orleans.
(c) Locks himself in his attic.
(d) Fights for the South.

2. In Chapter 3, who is the primary narrator of the Thomas Sutpen story?
(a) Quentin Compson.
(b) Rosa Coldfield.
(c) Jason Compson.
(d) Thomas Sutpen.

3. What is the name of Thomas Sutpen's estate?
(a) Sutpen's Castle.
(b) Sutpen's Farm.
(c) Sutpen's Manor.
(d) Sutpen's Hundred.

4. What does Jason Compson believe Henry found to be objectionable about Charles' past?
(a) The fact that Charles was not of a known family.
(b) The fact that Charles lived in New Orleans.
(c) The fact that Charles married his mistress.
(d) The fact that Charles had written letters to Judith.

5. Shortly after Sutpen comes to Jefferson, he demonstrates a talent that both impresses and intimidates the town. What is that talent?
(a) His shooting skills.
(b) His ability to win at cards.
(c) His ability to drink hard liquor.
(d) His horse-taming skills.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is Charles Bon killed?

2. Who does Rosa marry?

3. What military conflict has Miss Coldfield lived through?

4. What are the names of Sutpen's two daughters?

5. What does Charles Bon study at school?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Charles Etienne Saint-Valery Bon such a violent and troubled young man?

2. Why did Ellen ask Rosa to protect Judith but not Henry?

3. Why was Rosa offended that Wash Jones came to the front of the house when he arrived to notify her of Charles Bon's death?

4. What is the reader to imfer from the last paragraph of Chapter 1, which says that there were "two Sutpen faces," one Judith's and one a slave girl's, looking down at Sutpen fighting his slaves?

5. Characterize the change in public opinion about Sutpen that occurs in the first few years of his residence in Jefferson, and explain why that change occurs.

6. Why did Thomas Sutpen marry Ellen Coldfield?

7. In Chapter 8, the reader receives a glimpse of the action that unfolded the night that Rosa and Quentin went to Sutpen's Hundred. How are these events similar to another situation that occurred at Sutpen's Hundred?

8. Why is it significant that it rains on Sutpen's wedding night?

9. Why do the townspeople show up at the wedding to throw dirt and vegetables? Is it something more than the fact that they don't like Sutpen?

10. What reasons does Jason Compson give for Rosa hating her father?

(see the answer keys)

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