Absalom, Absalom! Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Absalom, Absalom! Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do Shreve and Quentin believe that the French planter disguised his daughter's African blood?
(a) The French planter tells Sutpen that his daughter's mother is Spanish.
(b) The planter tells Sutpen that his daughter's mother is Native American.
(c) The planter has the neighbors lie about his daughter's mother.
(d) The planter destroys his daughter's birth certificate.

2. How does Thomas Sutpen's last (youngest) child die?
(a) Wash Jones kills her.
(b) She dies of yellow fever.
(c) Henry Sutpen kills her.
(d) She drowns.

3. Who is the narrator of Chapter 5?
(a) Jason Compson.
(b) Quentin Compson.
(c) Rosa Coldfield.
(d) Thomas Sutpen.

4. What woman does Sutpen turn his attentions to after Rosa leaves Sutpen's estate?
(a) His neighbor's daughter.
(b) Wash Jones' granddaughter.
(c) One of his neighbor's servants.
(d) Ellen Coldfield.

5. How does Charles Bon's son die?
(a) He dies of old age.
(b) He dies of yellow fever.
(c) He is killed in a bar fight.
(d) He is killed by Thomas Sutpen.

6. How old is Thomas Sutpen when he returns from the war?
(a) Thirty-nine.
(b) Seventy-five.
(c) Fiifty-nine.
(d) Forty-five.

7. Who makes Bon's coffin?
(a) Judith Sutpen.
(b) Thomas Sutpen.
(c) Wash Jones.
(d) Henry Sutpen.

8. Who conducts Sutpen's funeral service?
(a) The Methodist preacher.
(b) General Compson.
(c) The Catholic priest.
(d) Judith.

9. Where do Quentin and Shreve believe Henry and Thomas Sutpen last saw each other?
(a) On the battlefield.
(b) In a military camp.
(c) In New Orleans.
(d) At Sutpen's Hundred.

10. Who is Penelope?
(a) Sutpen's mother.
(b) Sutpen's mare, who bears a colt the same day Sutpen's last child is born.
(c) Sutpen's daughter.
(d) Sutpen's sister.

11. Where is Shreve from?
(a) Cambridge, Massachussetts.
(b) Alberta, Canada.
(c) Springfield, Illinois.
(d) Jefferson, Mississippi.

12. Who do Quentin and Shreve believe persuaded Bon to attend the university he chose to attend?
(a) Bon's mother.
(b) Thomas Sutpen.
(c) The lawyer.
(d) Bon's wife.

13. Where does Jim Bond live?
(a) In New Orleans.
(b) In the swamp adjacent to Sutpen's Hundred.
(c) In Jefferson.
(d) In a shack behind the Sutpen estate.

14. What is Sutpen's occupation between the time he leaves his family and the time he arrives in Jefferson?
(a) He is an architect.
(b) He is a planter.
(c) He is the overseer of a plantation.
(d) He is a woodworker.

15. What is the setting of Chapter 6?
(a) Quentin's dorm room at Harvard.
(b) Rosa Coldfield's office.
(c) The Compsons' porch.
(d) The Sutpen mansion.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who do Quentin and Shreve believe managed Sutpen's first wife's money?

2. How does Quentin know about Thomas Sutpen's childhood?

3. Who says a prayer at Charles Bon's funeral?

4. When Quentin and Jason visit the Sutpen graveyard, who is buried there?

5. How does Wash Jones' granddaughter die?

(see the answer keys)

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