About Alice Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

About Alice Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 157 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When does Calvin read the obituary of Dick Francis' wife?
(a) A year before Alice dies.
(b) A year after Alice dies.
(c) The year before Alice's bypass surgery.
(d) The year Alice is diagnosed with lung cancer.

2. How old is Alice when she is asked to be photographed by Doug Kirkland and model spring fashions in a magazine?
(a) Thirty-five.
(b) Twenty-two.
(c) Fifty.
(d) Nineteen.

3. What is the first thing that strikes Calvin about Alice when he sees her for the first time?
(a) Alice looks more alive than anyone he sees.
(b) Alice is so very pretty.
(c) Alice is talkative.
(d) Alice is opinionated.

4. Where does Alice spend her childhood?
(a) Alice grows up in North Carolina and Long Island.
(b) Alice grows up in New York City and New Jersey.
(c) Alice grows up in Greenwich and Nova Scotia.
(d) Alice grows up in Greenhaven and Harrison, New York.

5. According to Calvin, what leads to his success in courting Alice?
(a) His reluctance to speak.
(b) His dumb luck and good looks.
(c) His dumb luck and one or two deliberate moves.
(d) His pipe smoking and fame as a writer.

6. Calvin states that he never sees Alice read which type of magazine?
(a) Finance.
(b) Literary.
(c) Medical.
(d) Fashion.

7. In the days when he is renovating his home, Trillin has this quote above his typewriter.
(a) "Words Is Money."
(b) "Writing doesn't pay."
(c) "Money doesn't grow on trees."
(d) "Time is money."

8. What is written on the envelope in which Alice keeps special items?
(a) Treasures.
(b) Important Stuff.
(c) Memories.
(d) Trillin Family Mementos.

9. Of the following, which does Calvin NOT list among those Alice frequently takes care of?
(a) Stray animals.
(b) Alice's children.
(c) Alice's parents.
(d) Cancer patients.

10. What does Alice's father do for a living?
(a) Alice's father is a coal miner.
(b) Alice's father is a researcher.
(c) Alice's father is a self-taught inventor.
(d) Alice's father is a vending machine repairman.

11. According to Calvin, why does he show Alice everything he writes in rough draft?
(a) Calvin thinks it gives her an opportunity to improve her own writing.
(b) It saves Calvin time.
(c) Calvin values Alice's opinion and wants to impress her.
(d) Calvin does not trust his editor at work.

12. What is the name of the magazine that hosts the party where Calvin first meets Alice?
(a) Monocle.
(b) The New Yorker.
(c) Times Magazine.
(d) Life.

13. Where does Alice attend college?
(a) City University of New York.
(b) Hofstra University.
(c) Wellesley College.
(d) New York University.

14. According to Calvin, what is Alice wearing when he sees her for the first time?
(a) A yellow hat.
(b) A red hat.
(c) A black hat.
(d) A white hat.

15. According to Calvin, which of the following best describes Alice at age fifty?
(a) Alice looks just like her mother.
(b) Alice looks young for her age and still attracts men.
(c) Alice looks older than she is, due to her illness.
(d) Alice looks like a dietitian in sensible shoes.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the theme of the poem at the introduction of chapter three?

2. Which statement best describes Alice's upbringing?

3. In chapter three, who writes the article that accompanies the fashion spread in which Alice is featured?

4. Calvin claims that the first time he sees Alice, he detects what quality about her heritage?

5. What is Alice's reasoning for agreeing to be photographed in a fashion issue of a magazine?

(see the answer keys)

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