A Wrinkle in Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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A Wrinkle in Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Despite what Mr. Jenkins the Principal says, Meg still believes her father is returning. Why?
(a) Because her father called the earlier in the week.
(b) Because Charles Wallace said he is coming back.
(c) Because the government just notified her about him.
(d) Because her mother believes it.

2. Whose vegetable garden do Meg and Calvin walk through in Chapter 3?
(a) The Twins' vegetable garden.
(b) The neighbors' vegetable garden.
(c) Charles Wallace's vegetable garden.
(d) Meg's vegetable garden.

3. Why does Mrs. Whatsit give each child a flower for the journey?
(a) The flowers will give them the oxygen they will need.
(b) Because the flowers have magical qualities.
(c) The flowers smell nice at high altitudes.
(d) So that they will look nice during their journey.

4. Where does Charles Wallace say Mrs. Whatsit lives with her two friends?
(a) In the house around the corner from theirs.
(b) In the old shingled house in the back of the woods.
(c) In the old shingled house across the street.
(d) In a large building in the neighboring town.

5. Why does Mrs. Whatsit tell Meg not to cry after seeing the dark shadow?
(a) Mrs. Whatsit is confident that Meg can help her father.
(b) Mrs. Whatsit doesn't understand why the dark shadow frightens Meg.
(c) Mrs. Whatsit thinks Meg's being silly.
(d) Mrs. Whatsit thinks crying is pointless.

Short Answer Questions

1. After Mrs. Whatsit metamorphoses, what do the children call her?

2. When Calvin goes to a house to return the ball that a little boy dropped on the street, the boy's mother is reluctant to let him in because ____________________.

3. After seeing the Happy Medium's proof that the Dark Thing can be overcome, what does Charles Wallace discover about Mrs. Whatsit?

4. Who is Fortinbras?

5. What does Calvin read to Charles Wallace before putting him to bed in Chapter 3?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why do the children need the flowers during the flight with Mrs. Whatsit?

2. When the Happy Medium shows Meg her mother, she reacts with anger. Why might this reaction be a good thing this time?

3. Mrs. Whatsit says that when they return back to earth, Mrs. Murry won't notice that they were gone at all. Why?

4. What was Mrs Whatsit and what did she do before she became who she is now?

5. How does Mrs. Whatsit use the example of an insect traveling across a piece of string to explain how she and the other women "tesser?"

6. Why do you think Mrs. Whatsit gives Charles Wallace the "resilience of your childhood"?

7. Do you think Meg reacts too strongly to Charles' and Mrs. Who's talk about her father in Chapter 2?

8. As Charles Wallace and Meg head into the woods to the haunted house, several things happen between these two siblings that show their closeness. Name one thing that happens and how it demonstrates their close bond.

9. Describe Calvin's family life as he tells it to the Murrys.

10. Is Charles Wallace a little too protective of Meg? Does he keep her from growing up?

(see the answer keys)

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