A Wrinkle in Time Quiz | One Week Quiz A

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A Wrinkle in Time Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 9.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Meg give her father in Chapter 9 when she realizes what is wrong with him upon their being reunited?
(a) A lock of her mother's hair.
(b) Mrs. Who's glasses.
(c) A family photograph.
(d) Some food.

2. How does Mrs. Murry explain that Charles Wallace may look like other people but is different?
(a) It isn't physical, it's in essence.
(b) He's really good at hiding how different he is.
(c) He possesses magical powers.
(d) One leg is shorter than the other.

3. How does Charles Wallace react to Meg rushing to the object containing their father in Chapter 9?
(a) He cries.
(b) He jumps in front of her and blocks her view.
(c) He rushes to help her up.
(d) He laughs.

4. What is Meg's first impression of Camazotz upon arriving?
(a) It looks very much like earth.
(b) There's something frightening about it.
(c) It is so eerie she cannot imagine anything living there.
(d) It is so welcoming that she wants to stay forever.

5. Whose vegetable garden do Meg and Calvin walk through in Chapter 3?
(a) The neighbors' vegetable garden.
(b) Charles Wallace's vegetable garden.
(c) The Twins' vegetable garden.
(d) Meg's vegetable garden.

Short Answer Questions

1. Soon after Meg is reunited with her father in Chapter 9, what, to her horror, does she realize about him?

2. What does Mrs. Who give to Meg in Chapter 6?

3. Seeing the picture of Meg's father, who does Calvin say he looks like?

4. Just as Calvin tells Meg she has "dream-boat eyes," who appears from out of nowhere?

5. What did Mrs. Whatsit not mean to tell the children about being a star?

(see the answer key)

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