A Woman Alone: Autobiographical Writings Test | Final Test - Hard

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A Woman Alone: Autobiographical Writings Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What year was the old British Bechuanaland Protectorate established in Botswana?

2. Bessie says that people in Botswana lead very what lives?

3. In "God and the underdog," why does Bessie say the Klansmen make God a white man with blue eyes?

4. Why did Bessie say the South African experience so difficult for her to deal with in a creative sense?

5. How did the British refer to Botswana in the early 1800's?

Short Essay Questions

1. In "God and The Underdog," what does Bessie feel fuels revolutions?

2. In Chapter 2, what does Bessie think that the spirit of the Nigra Goddess has done for the blacks in America?

3. In "Notes on Novels," why is Bessie having difficulty writing about her years in South Africa?

4. In "African Religions," what does Bessie state is at the root of religion in Africa?

5. What is Bessie's opinion of Botswana men?

6. In the conclusion of Chapter 2, how does Bessie summarize her life experiences?

7. Why according to Bessie has Botswana survived by "sheer luck and unexpected good fortune"?

8. Why does Bessie consider Botswana the "most unique and distinguished country in Africa"?

9. In "African Religions," what, does Bessie state is the main difference between Asian and African religious ideals?

10. How are Bessie and the American woman different?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

At the independence celebration in Botswana a student relays a story to the group. He says that when he shouted to burn the British flag, he was told that he was embarrassing everyone, especially the white people present. Why would anyone in Botswana care what the white people thought? Is Botswana held to a different standard because it's never been occupied? Do you think that some people think that they should appreciate the treatment that they've been given by the British? Do you agree? Do you think that the student's frustration stems from a perceived lack of understanding from the Botswana villagers of his passion for liberation? Does he look at blacks as one unified group while they are still looking at the situation from a Botswana point of view only?

Essay Topic 2

Bessie describes the lonely life of South African refugees as she experienced. Do you that the refugees would say that it's a small price to pay for freedom? What was Botswana's reaction to refugees after independence? How did this reflect their view of refugees? Do you think that refugees are ever truly "free" of the country that they have fled? Are they always associated with it in the new country? Is this true today of America and refugees from the Muslim countries? What are the stereotypes of these refugees? Do you think that refugees should be forced to assimilate totally into their adoptive country, even forsaking previous culture, language, and religion?

Essay Topic 3

After reading "A Woman Alone," what are your views on oppression? How does it begin? What is it based on? Does it spiral out of control or is it a deliberate action? How do events in South Africa since he 1990s seem compared to the hopes of the previously oppressed people?

(see the answer keys)

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