A Walker in the City Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Walker in the City Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did the author feel about summertime?
(a) He feared it.
(b) He dreaded it.
(c) He looked forward to it.
(d) He would have rather been in school.

2. During the summer, children sleep somewhere other than their beds in Brownsville. Where do they sleep?
(a) The living room.
(b) The kitchen.
(c) The fire escapes.
(d) The front porch.

3. During the second year of The Great Depression, how long had it been since the author's father had work?
(a) Nine months.
(b) Two weeks.
(c) Three years.
(d) Nine weeks.

4. What part of the neighborhood tests the author?
(a) The back wall of the drugstore.
(b) The drugstore where he dropped the sandwich.
(c) The school yard.
(d) The alley where all the boys played handball.

5. What memory is most strong for the author as he walks down Chester Street?
(a) The memory of the mad woman on the block.
(b) The memory of the candy store.
(c) The memories of follow the leader nights.
(d) The memory of the sandwich dropping in the dust.

6. What did the author like best about Highland Park Reservoir?
(a) It was where the girls went to sun themselves.
(b) It was away from home.
(c) It was quiet.
(d) It was cooler than the rest of the neighborhood.

7. When the author read books, he yearned for something. What did he yearn for?
(a) Someone he could bully around.
(b) Someone to run with at night.
(c) Someone to walk to school with.
(d) Someone to be his true friend.

8. What did the fat brother that owned the barber shop put through the delicatessen window?
(a) A customer.
(b) A motorcycle.
(c) The skinny brother.
(d) A barrel.

9. Which of the stations is the author's favorite?
(a) The El.
(b) Bedford Park Station.
(c) Rockaway Station.
(d) Union Station.

10. Why did the author keep going back to the barber shop?
(a) To hear the latest political discussions.
(b) To take lessons from the barber.
(c) To read the newspapers from New York.
(d) To look at two pictures from the first world war.

11. What did Mrs. Solovey's coffin look like?
(a) It was ornately carved.
(b) It was black and plain.
(c) It was a plain wooden box.
(d) It was wrapped in a Star of David flag.

12. What has replaced an entire block of drugstores and candy shops in the neighborhood?
(a) Department stores.
(b) Factories.
(c) Restaurants.
(d) Second-hand furniture shops.

13. Where did the author first head when playing follow the leader?
(a) The quarry.
(b) The drugstore.
(c) The school yard.
(d) The junkyard.

14. What let the author know how he felt after he read his prayer book?
(a) By the song in his head.
(b) By the feeling in his chest.
(c) By the discussions he had with his mother.
(d) By the thoughts he had the rest of the day.

15. What was Mr. Solovey's jacket always covered with?
(a) Face powder.
(b) Hair.
(c) Cigarette ash.
(d) Dandruff.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did the author daydream of Mrs. Solovey?

2. Where did the author stop his nightly runs around the block during summertime?

3. What did the women of Brownsville expect to receive from the drugstore owner?

4. Who did the shacks on Livonia Avenue start filling up with during the depression?

5. How did the author try to show his parents he loved them?

(see the answer keys)

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