A Thousand Acres Test | Final Test - Medium

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A Thousand Acres Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was not present on the bedsheets after Ty and Ginny had consummated their relationship for the first time, even though they prepared for it to be there?
(a) Water
(b) Grease
(c) Blood
(d) A wet spot

2. Caroline expresses forced enthusiasm, according to Ginny's observation, over a good price on __________.
(a) Socks
(b) Towels
(c) Shaving cream
(d) Shelving

3. What part of the farm was bulldozed, though the remaining daughters didn't seem to care much?
(a) Dairy farm
(b) Chelsea
(c) Hog farm
(d) The main coop

4. This breed of men in #161 believe their way of thinking is normal and that they should be ___________ by everyone else.
(a) Listened to
(b) Honored
(c) Respected
(d) Catered to

5. ___________ discovers the remnants of the fifth miscarriage buried in the old dairy barn being converted for the hog operation.
(a) Jess
(b) Pete
(c) Larry
(d) Ty

Short Answer Questions

1. Ginny remembers back when she was young that she ate 27 __________ while she was sitting on the toilet.

2. Rose remembers that her mother died when she was at _____________.

3. The judge rules in the defendants' favor, charging Caroline and Larry with paying the _____________.

4. What does Ginny add the poisonous herb to, knowing that Rose would probably not be able to resist?

5. __________ cooks for the crew and is thanked for the home-cooked meal as a result.

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Ty do when he's in town with Ginny at the Perkins Restaurant?

2. What does Ginny do in order to attempt to poison her sister, Rose?

3. Why has Henry Dodge, the Lutheran minister, come to call on Ginny, even though she did not ask him to come?

4. What does Rose's physician tell Ginny about the condition of Rose and about her prognosis?

5. What does Mr. Cartier tell Ginny and Rose, Pete and Ty to do in order to keep up with their case?

6. Why do Ginny and Caroline go about dividing possessions in the cold as it is late November?

7. When Ginny is hiding in a dressing room, what does she overhear Larry say about her and Rose?

8. Why is Rose tempted to walk inside Chelsea, according to Rose as she speaks to Ginny?

9. What happens when Pete gets drunk in Mason City and drives over to threaten Harold?

10. Why does Ty hope for good weather at the beginning of this chapter?

(see the answer keys)

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