A Single Shard Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Single Shard Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was the first person Tree-ear talked to when he arrived back at the village?
(a) Min's wife.
(b) Min.
(c) Crane-man.
(d) Kang.

2. What did Tree-ear find to take to the palace?
(a) A very small piece of the first vase.
(b) All of the pieces of the second vase.
(c) A large piece of the second vase.
(d) Four pieces, two from the first vase and two from the second.

3. What time of day was it when Tree-ear found the palace?
(a) Early morning.
(b) Late in the afternoon.
(c) Dusk.
(d) Noon.

4. What did the bandit say to Tree-ear when a second man overcame the boy and Tree-ear still struggled?
(a) They only wanted food.
(b) He didn't have anything they wanted.
(c) To stop, or they would do worse than robbery.
(d) They only wanted his coins.

5. What was Tree-ear's revelation concerning clay in Chapter 7?
(a) White clay is better for wine cups.
(b) He could finally feel when it was ready.
(c) It all felt the same.
(d) It had a life of its own.

6. What did Tree-ear see as one of the major differences between Min's inlay cuts and Kang's?
(a) Min's was finer and more detailed.
(b) Min's was more general.
(c) Min's design was of animals not plants.
(d) Min's design did not cover the entire vase.

7. What did Min do after the inscribing and the inlay were done?
(a) Removed all excess slip.
(b) Remove the inlays for firing.
(c) Squared up the base of the vessel.
(d) Put holes where the handles would go.

8. What animal did Tree-ear see on his first night of sleeping alone in the woods?
(a) A racoon.
(b) A snake.
(c) A fox.
(d) A rabbit.

9. How does Tree-ear act towards Crane-man when he comes back to the bridge after his pack is done?
(a) Respectful.
(b) Happy.
(c) Sad.
(d) Angry.

10. How did Min's wife help with the inlay project?
(a) Drawing the designs on the vases.
(b) Drawing the pottery shapes on wood.
(c) Putting the red clay in the scooped out inlays.
(d) Cutting out the pattern.

11. At what time of the day did Min say they would remove the pieces from the kiln?
(a) At dark.
(b) At midnight.
(c) It the morning.
(d) At noon.

12. How did Min vary the etching work?
(a) Sketchy tracing alternating with the cutting out.
(b) He didn't vary the work he sketched the entire design then cut it.
(c) Sketch the flowers, scoop them out, then draw the vines.
(d) Sketch the first vase then cut it.

13. How does Tree-ear get to the place Crane-man wants him to see?
(a) Going through a small forest.
(b) Walk up a small hill.
(c) Wade across a stream.
(d) Up a steep path.

14. Why was Tree-ear happy with Min's behavior over the red and white clay?
(a) Min took the clay without a single word.
(b) Min complimented him enthusiastically.
(c) Min told him to do more.
(d) It was the first time Tree-ear had the draining correct.

15. How is the wood laid in the kiln?
(a) In a type of teepee formation.
(b) In a square.
(c) It is placed in a straight line in the bottom of the kiln.
(d) In a complicated, criss-cross pattern.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Tree-ear and Crane-man do at dusk the night before Tree-ear was leaving?

2. What did Min give Tree-ear for the journey?

3. What did Min say to Tree-ear when he came to check on the progress of the red and white clay?

4. What did Tree-ear think would give him the strength to overcome the bandit?

5. How did Tree-ear carry the vases?

(see the answer keys)

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