A Simple Plan: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Scott Smith (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Simple Plan: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Scott Smith (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Hank tells Lou they aren't going to divide the money until what season in Chapter Six?
(a) Winter.
(b) Fall.
(c) Summer.
(d) Spring.

2. Lou threatens to tell the police about ________ if Hank doesn't give him his share of the money in Chapter Four.
(a) Penderson's murder.
(b) The money.
(c) A past crime.
(d) The plane.

3. What had Hank's parents bought a week before they died?
(a) An R.V.
(b) Furniture.
(c) A motorcycle.
(d) A boat.

4. How much money does Hank give Lou from his own wallet in Chapter Four?
(a) $20.
(b) $40.
(c) $50.
(d) $100.

5. What does Hank tell Jacob they will have to do to keep from prompting questions about the source of the money in Chapter Four?
(a) Leave the country.
(b) Spend it slowly.
(c) Hide it for 10 years.
(d) Open a Swiss bank account.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is Hank's wife when he awakens in Chapter Three?

2. Who does Hank say murdered Penderson in Chapter Four?

3. What is the name of Jacob's dog?

4. How many people are shot in Chapter Six?

5. Hank reminds Jacob that he's responsible for whose actions in Chapter Four?

Short Essay Questions

1. What decision does Hank reach about what to do with the money in Chapter One?

2. What does Hank feel about his brother's future in Chapter Five? Why does he change his mind?

3. Why does Jacob spend the night at Hank's in Chapter Five? What agreement does he come to with Hank?

4. What game do Jacob, Hank, and Sarah play in Chapter Five? What happens afterward?

5. Where do Lou, Hank, and Jacob go in Chapter Six? What does Lou reveal about his debts?

6. What decision does Hank come to about Penderson in Chapter Three? Why?

7. What do Hank, Lou, and Jacob question about the money from the plane after finding it in Chapter One?

8. Whom does Hank find Jacob talking with when he returns to the car in Chapter Three?

9. What argument does Hank, Lou and Jacob each make for what to do with the money in Chapter One?

10. Who do Hank, Lou and Jacob encounter when they return to the truck in Chapter One?

(see the answer keys)

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