A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many Castilians were stolen by the Germans?
(a) 1 million
(b) 3 million
(c) 40 million
(d) 150 million

2. Francisco Pizzarro journeyed to where?
(a) Hispaniola
(b) Panama
(c) Florida
(d) Peru

3. Who did not want the natives to think that Christians were evil?
(a) The Spanish soldiers
(b) Queen Isabella
(c) The Friars
(d) Hernan Cortes

4. What did Quesada cut off the native people?
(a) Ears
(b) Hair
(c) Noses
(d) Toes

5. Who sent evidence of the atrocities to the Council of the Indies?
(a) Missionaries
(b) German merchants
(c) Spanish settlers
(d) Natives

6. Where did Bono sail to with the slaves?
(a) Spain
(b) Mexico
(c) Trinidad
(d) Puerto Rico

7. What kind of reports were the Spanish in the New World sending to Spain?
(a) Death
(b) Revolutionary
(c) False
(d) Detailed

8. How many Castilians did Pizzarro ransom King Atahualpa for?
(a) 50 million
(b) 25 million
(c) 1 million
(d) 15 million

9. Where did the Spanish adventurer sail to with the natives that he captured?
(a) Spain
(b) Puerto Rico
(c) Mexico City
(d) Panama

10. Why did de Soto kill the natives?
(a) They attacked him
(b) He liked killing natives
(c) They failed to obey him fast enough
(d) To strike fear in the hearts of other natives

11. In what year did the expeditions to the river Plate take place?
(a) 1492
(b) 1522
(c) 1587
(d) 1639

12. In what year did the new commander come to Santa Marta?
(a) 1378
(b) 1529
(c) 1411
(d) 1601

13. The natives were given a break from the Spaniards when gold was discovered where?
(a) Peru
(b) South Africa
(c) California
(d) Argentina

14. Fray Juan Fernandez de Angulo sent a letter to whom?
(a) Hernan Cortes
(b) Queen Isabella
(c) King of Spain
(d) Beltran Avila

15. When Pizzarro reached the coast, which island did he sail to?
(a) Puerto Rico
(b) Trinidad
(c) Tumba
(d) Puna

Short Answer Questions

1. The German governor used the natives as what?

2. Why did the Spanish go to Santa Marta?

3. Who was king of New Granada?

4. Who did Angulo say were unworthy to be called Christians?

5. A Spanish commander's actions were reported to whom?

(see the answer keys)

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