A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what year was the river discovered?
(a) 1413
(b) 1529
(c) 1628
(d) 1472

2. In what year did de Soto arrive in the Mainland?
(a) 1612
(b) 1399
(c) 1538
(d) 1479

3. Why did "mixed" babies fetch a higher price?
(a) They were smarter than other natives
(b) They were more attractive
(c) They could become Spanish citizens
(d) They had Spanish blood

4. The son of the chief in the Yucatan was sold for what?
(a) Cheese
(b) A horse
(c) Two pieces of gold
(d) Passage to Spain

5. What injury did the pearl fishers develop?
(a) Sores on their back
(b) Fish bites
(c) Heart attacks
(d) Lost limbs

6. Pizzarro told the people of Tumba that he was going to make them members of what?
(a) A club of death
(b) His troop of soldiers
(c) The Spanish Crown
(d) The Council of the Indies

7. How many expeditions took place to the river Plate?
(a) 4
(b) 1
(c) 13
(d) 68

8. The natives were determined to kill whom after their children were taken?
(a) The Spanish commander
(b) Hernan Cortes
(c) The neighboring lord
(d) The Friars

9. What topic did the Dominicans send a monk out to preach on?
(a) Obeying the Spanish
(b) Life Everlasting
(c) Revelations
(d) The Ten Commandments

10. Fray Juan Fernandez de Angulo sent a letter to whom?
(a) Hernan Cortes
(b) King of Spain
(c) Queen Isabella
(d) Beltran Avila

11. How many Castilians were stolen by the Germans?
(a) 40 million
(b) 1 million
(c) 3 million
(d) 150 million

12. Brother Marcos said that the Peruvians where what?
(a) The nicest
(b) The most afraid
(c) The dumbest
(d) The trickiest

13. The natives equated the word "Christian" with what?
(a) Devil
(b) Angel
(c) Savior
(d) Death

14. What did the soldiers feed to the dogs?
(a) Horses
(b) Grass
(c) Babies
(d) Fish

15. What was the punishment for murder in Spain?
(a) Stoning
(b) Burning at the stake
(c) Hanging
(d) Decapitation

Short Answer Questions

1. The Province of Santa Marta is now known as what?

2. The Audiencia of Hispaniola decided it was in the best interest to continue what?

3. How many years had the atrocities been going on when de las Casas wrote the book?

4. Why did de Soto kill the natives?

5. What action was taken because of Brother Marcos' letter?

(see the answer keys)

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