A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. King Guarionex had everyone send what to the King and Queen?
(a) Five diamonds
(b) Their first born sons
(c) Ten horses
(d) A gourd full of gold

2. De las Casas argued that the Spanish had lost what, which made it possible for them to commit the injustices that they did?
(a) Their arrogance
(b) Their humility
(c) A belief in themselves
(d) A fear of God

3. The lord named Paris lived close to where?
(a) California
(b) England
(c) Panama
(d) Florida

4. What did the Spanish do to the nobles and leaders?
(a) Burned them
(b) Stoned them
(c) Hung them
(d) Shot them

5. Queen Isabella was a strong advocate of what?
(a) The rights of natives
(b) Gaining as much gold as possible
(c) Claiming the New World for France
(d) Punishment for natives who disobeyed

6. How many people did the Spaniards kill on the day they decided to go on a killing spree?
(a) 500
(b) 1,000
(c) 3,000
(d) 50

7. New Spain was founded in what year?
(a) 1432
(b) 1517
(c) 1803
(d) 1699

8. On one occasion, 4000 natives carried loads. How many survived the ordeal?
(a) 300
(b) 110
(c) 240
(d) 6

9. What happened if the natives obeyed the Spanish?
(a) They were let go
(b) They became soldiers
(c) They became slaves
(d) They were burned

10. Who tried to intervene when the Spanish captured Hatuey?
(a) A Spanish commander
(b) A Franciscan Friar
(c) His wife
(d) Queen Isabella

11. The natives were given the choice of converting to Christianity and swearing allegiance to Spain or what other choice?
(a) Face military action
(b) Be exiled to South America
(c) Leave their families
(d) Be burned at the stake

12. What did Hatuey ask the friar when the friar tried to convert him?
(a) When he would die
(b) If Spaniards were in heaven
(c) If his family could go to heaven to
(d) Whether God would save him

13. De Las Casas says that Avila was what?
(a) Kind
(b) Cruel
(c) Stupid
(d) Smart

14. In 1511, the Spaniards landed where?
(a) Florida
(b) Cuba
(c) Bahamas
(d) Panama

15. How many people were killed in Honduras?
(a) 400,000
(b) 2,000,000
(c) 11,000,000
(d) 5,000

Short Answer Questions

1. When did Queen Isabella of Spain die?

2. What was the main Spanish policy toward the New World?

3. What happened to the native people who were not killed?

4. Who was the strongest of all the kings?

5. What did the Spanish do to the leader of the Michoacan?

(see the answer keys)

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