A Ring of Endless Light Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

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A Ring of Endless Light Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Leo grieve with Vicky?

2. What has Adam asked of John?

3. What does Vicky's grandfather say is the price of some people's resurrection?

4. Who is Leo?

5. Of whom is Vicky a little jealous?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who is Adam and what does he ask Vicky at Commander Rodney's wake?

2. What happens after Vicky and Zachary go flying?

3. What are Vicky's thoughts about Suzy and what is Adam's response?

4. Where does Vicky go with Zachary and to what does she compare the experience?

5. What do John and Vicky discuss as they are star gazing?

6. What is the concern about the swallows and how do Vicky and her siblings solve the problem?

7. How does Adam react to Vicky's communications with Basil and with whom is Vicky allowed to talk about the experience with Basil?

8. Upon whom does Vicky focus at the funeral, and what does she do later with that person?

9. How does Vicky's grandfather deal with the topic of death?

10. What does Vicky learn about how Zachary's mother died?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

There are a number of interesting questions raised by "A Ring of Endless Light"--questions that L'Engle most likely want readers to consider and think through carefully. Discuss the following:

1. What does the term "author agenda" mean?

2. Name one idea/concept you think may have been a part of the L'Engle's agenda. Analyze that idea throughout the book and discuss L'Engle's probable agenda concerning that idea.

2. Do you think writers who have an agenda for writing should point it out in a preface?

3. How often do you think fiction is written with a clear agenda in mind by the author?

4. Research the life of L'Engle and see if/where his life may have influenced his writing.

Essay Topic 2

Many novels, and perhaps a majority, of novels ends on a happy note. Discuss the following:

1. Why do you think many (most?) people want what they perceive as a happy or good ending to a novel? Explain your opinion. Do you? Why or why not?

2. What are three reasons to read fiction? Discuss each one in light of "A Ring of Endless Light" and whether or not it fulfills all three, two or one of the reasons you mention. Give examples as to why this story is or is not successful in fulfilling the reasons you discuss.

3. Do you think reading solely for entertainment is as good a reason to read as any other? Why or why not? Can any work of fiction or non-fiction, no matter how poorly written, enlighten, teach, stimulate thought? Why or why not?

Essay Topic 3

Discuss the following:

1. Thoroughly discuss the character of Vicky. What are her strengths? Weaknesses? How does she evolve over the course of the story? Is she likable at the beginning of the story? At the end of the book? Do you think she is a protagonist or antagonist? Why

2. Thoroughly discuss the character Zachary. What are his strengths? Weaknesses? How does he evolve over the course of the story? (or does he?) Is he likable at the beginning of the story? At the end of the book? Is he trustworthy? Wise? Would you want him as a friend? As an enemy?

3. Thoroughly discuss two other characters of your choosing. What are their strengths? Weaknesses? How do they evolve over the course of the story? (or do they?) Are they likable at the beginning of the story? At the end of the book? Are they trustworthy? Wise? Would you want them as friends? Are they likely to be enemies?

(see the answer keys)

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