A Planet Called Treason Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Planet Called Treason Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Lanik travel from land to land killing the illuders?
(a) By walking on water.
(b) On horseback.
(c) Using a carriage.
(d) Using quicktime.

2. Leaving Schwartz, what does Lanik realize will scar him forever?
(a) Being disowned by the Schwartzes.
(b) The sight of the Schwartzes coming together.
(c) The terrible scream of the Earth.
(d) The sight of Barton being beheaded.

3. After walking for some time through the forest, Lanik eventually gets tired and lies down. What does Ensel want to do?
(a) Keep walking.
(b) Find food.
(c) Take a nap.
(d) Find shelter.

4. As Lanik comes ashore near Anderson, what happens to him during his landing?
(a) Lanik shatters his leg.
(b) Lanik is trapped in quicktime.
(c) Lanik is chased by sharks.
(d) Lanik is trapped in slowtime.

5. Why are the people in Ku Kuei bored?
(a) They have all the time in the world.
(b) They lack social skills and drive others away.
(c) They are not bored.
(d) They rarely have visitors.

6. When several illuders enter the throne room in Gill and try to harm Lanik, what does Lanik do?
(a) Lanik kills the illuders.
(b) Lanik goes into quicktime and escapes.
(c) Lanik flees from the throne room.
(d) Lanik goes into quicktime and disarms them.

7. According to the Schwartzes, what is a great moral sacrifice?
(a) To deny love for another.
(b) To use magical powers to take a life.
(c) To sacrifice your life for another.
(d) To leave a friend behind.

8. As the innkeeper in Jones and Lanik talk, the innkeeper learns from Lanik's speech pattern that Lanik is educated. What does the innkeeper realize that Lanik's education means?
(a) Lanik has also fallen from a high station.
(b) Lanik has been run out by the king.
(c) Lanik has been educated in Nkumai.
(d) Lanik has been working for the king.

9. What is Lanik's attacker planning to use to kill Lanik?
(a) An arrow.
(b) A gun.
(c) A sword.
(d) A knife.

10. What cover story does Lanik give to the person who meets him on the beach near Anderson?
(a) Lanik was forced to walk the plank from a slave ship.
(b) Lanik was a soldier with the rebel fighters.
(c) Lanik was a captain and wrecked his ship on the shoals.
(d) Lanik and his father capsized and his father drowned.

11. Who actually kills the real Dinte many years before?
(a) Mwabao Mawa.
(b) Lanik's double.
(c) Lanik.
(d) An Anderson illuder.

12. How does Lanik plan to travel to his next destination?
(a) Lanik plans to hire a carriage.
(b) Lanik plans to hire a guide.
(c) Lanik plans to steal a horse.
(d) Lanik plans to walk across the ocean.

13. What is the name of the shepherd that Lanik helps in Britton?
(a) Glain.
(b) Glika.
(c) Galik.
(d) Galin.

14. According to Lanik, what is the main difference between his face and the face of his impostor after Lanik "healed" the impostor?
(a) The impostor's face is beautiful.
(b) The impostor's face is no longer white.
(c) The impostor's face still displayed innocence.
(d) The impostor's face has a scar over the left eye.

15. What is the one way to stop a Mueller from regenerating?
(a) By chopping.
(b) By flogging.
(c) By maiming.
(d) By burning.

Short Answer Questions

1. As Lanik prepares to leave Ku Kuei, how is he treated by the inhabitants of the land?

2. Where must Lanik travel before he can return to the simple peace in Britton for good?

3. Why does Lanik go to Schwartz before undertaking his mission to destroy Anderson?

4. In Gill, what does Lanik save the new prisoner from?

5. After wandering through Wood and Hank, where does Lanik finally arrive?

(see the answer keys)

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