A Philosophical Enquiry Into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Philosophical Enquiry Into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What will be Burke's focus in "A Philosophical Enquiry Into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful"?
(a) The full meanings and social impacts of the beautiful and sublime.
(b) The origins of our ideas of the beautiful and sublime.
(c) The beautiful and sublime as they appear in Milton's _Paradise Lost_.
(d) The beautiful and sublime as they relate to contemporary politics.

2. To which other passions is the idea of power closely related, according to Burke?
(a) Joy and delight.
(b) Love and desire.
(c) Fear and terror.
(d) Curiosity and novelty.

3. What does Burke assert is present in every religion, to some degree?
(a) A single deity.
(b) A prophet.
(c) A mode of forgiveness.
(d) A salutary fear.

4. Burke's general definition for "obscurity" is:
(a) That which is most humble.
(b) That which is not famous.
(c) That which we cannot fully know.
(d) That which is hidden from view.

5. Why, according to Burke, do we delight in the tragedies of others?
(a) This is a function of sympathy instilled in us by our Creator.
(b) There is little else in the world in which to delight.
(c) All humans have a sadistic streak.
(d) We are happy we are not the victims.

6. Why does Burke offer a second edition of "A Philosophical Enquiry Into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful"?
(a) He wishes to directly challenge the criticism of the first edition.
(b) He realizes that he could make more money selling a second edition.
(c) He wishes to change and contradict his own views.
(d) He wishes to expand and further illustrate his theories.

7. What does Burke note about youth, as related to taste?
(a) That although judgments may not be sound, taste is excellent.
(b) That innocence does not equal ignorance.
(c) That youth is the province of true wisdom.
(d) That sensory pleasure is great while judgment is inaccurate.

8. Which medium does Burke feel arouses the passions most effectively?
(a) Architecture.
(b) Painting.
(c) Sculpture.
(d) Poetry.

9. What is Burke's general plan of action for this book?
(a) It will focus only on human society.
(b) It will refute all other theories of the sublime.
(c) It will be a methodical study.
(d) It will posit wild, untested new ideas.

10. When might the sublime be delightful?
(a) When it fills the entirety of one's being.
(b) When one considers it intellectually.
(c) When it truly threatens one's safety.
(d) When one experiences it from a safe distance.

11. Which passion belongs under the heading of "self-preservation?"
(a) Pain.
(b) Desire.
(c) Sadness.
(d) Anger.

12. Which example does Burke use in his discussion in Section VIII about infinity?
(a) Cropland.
(b) The military.
(c) The ocean.
(d) Madmen.

13. According to Burke, what is more powerful than light at representing the sublime?
(a) Fire.
(b) Water.
(c) Humanity.
(d) Darkness.

14. What, according to Burke, is the first and most simple emotion of the human mind?
(a) Curiosity, or novelty.
(b) Indifference, or lassitude.
(c) Hunger, or longing.
(d) Fear, or terror.

15. Burke asserts that vastness of dimension is as sublime as:
(a) Vivid, intense color.
(b) Regular, even sounds.
(c) Minuteness of size.
(d) Lightly textured surfaces.

Short Answer Questions

1. What example does Burke offer to show his ideas on the effects of tragedy?

2. Why are certain drugs enjoyable, according to Burke?

3. What, according to Burke, affects the passions and most incites admiration?

4. How does Burke define pain and pleasure?

5. What is Burke's argument that infinity exists in pleasing objects?

(see the answer keys)

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