A Man of the People Test | Final Test - Medium

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A Man of the People Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. From where is the one foreigner present at the founding of the new political party in Chapter 8?
(a) South Africa.
(b) Western Europe.
(c) Eastern Europe.
(d) North America.

2. What does Odo call Odili's new car?
(a) A kolanut.
(b) A tortoise.
(c) A bug.
(d) A turtle.

3. In what way will the new political party differ from the old parties, according to Maxwell?
(a) Their candidates will have better educations and speeches.
(b) They will have more money.
(c) They will operate cleanly.
(d) They will spend more on the military.

4. What is Hezekiah's chief motivation in politics?
(a) Protection of the people.
(b) Advancement of an ideology.
(c) Personal autonomy.
(d) Personal gain.

5. What does Edna bring Odili to drink on the sun porch?
(a) Beer.
(b) Water.
(c) Wine.
(d) Palm wine.

Short Answer Questions

1. For what does PIV. stand?

2. What is the immediate task of the new party in Chapter 8?

3. When does Odili plan to see Edna again after his embarrassing accident?

4. On what date does Odili return to Anata after first meeting with Maxwell and his friends?

5. What does Odili do when he realizes that his host has shamed him?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Odili interpret Edna's letter?

2. What is suggested by the revelation that a junior member of Parliament is also a founding member of the CPC?

3. What seems to be the likely reason that Edna becomes angry with Odili in Chapter 12?

4. How does Odili initially interpret Chief Nanga's order to move Elsie's bags into his absent wife's room?

5. What sort of reception does Odili's political campaign receive in Anata?

6. What significant action does Edna take toward Odili at the end of Chapter 10, and why is it significant?

7. What is the significance of the poem Maxwell wrote seven years ago?

8. At what conclusion does Odili arrive after reflecting on the carpenter Timothy's statement?

9. What is the general tone of Mrs. Nanga in her first conversation with Odili's while in Anata, and why is that the tone?

10. Why is Couple's heckling of Maxwell effective?

(see the answer keys)

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