A Man of the People Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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A Man of the People Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many pounds does each bus cost?
(a) 60,000.
(b) 2,500.
(c) 6,000.
(d) 12,000.

2. Where does Odili recall meeting Elsie?
(a) In England.
(b) At a party.
(c) At grammar school.
(d) In Urua.

3. How long is Nwege's speech in Chapter 1?
(a) Less than five minutes.
(b) More than hour.
(c) More than 40 minutes.
(d) More than 20 minutes.

4. What used to be Odili's father's profession?
(a) Chief of police.
(b) Carpenter.
(c) Shoemaker.
(d) District interpreter.

5. Why does Odili hope Nwege gets an appointment with the POP?
(a) Because Odili hopes to be made principal of the school.
(b) Because Odili and Nwege are friends.
(c) To benefit the school's material prosperity.
(d) To get him out of the school occasionally.

6. For what does the young man apply at Chief Nanga's house at the end of Chapter 4?
(a) To be a cook.
(b) To be a gardener.
(c) To be a security guard.
(d) To be a chauffeur.

7. In what year does Odili become disillusioned with the POP?
(a) 1960.
(b) 1948.
(c) 1964.
(d) 1957.

8. How is Odili received at Chief Nanga's house?
(a) Warmly.
(b) Unexpectedly.
(c) Uncertainly.
(d) Coldly.

9. What does the statute Odili reads in the newspaper concern?
(a) Automobile parking.
(b) Food distribution.
(c) Excrement pails.
(d) Pit latrines.

10. What, in Chief Nanga's days as a scoutmaster, is considered the "very acme of sophistication"?
(a) A white helmet.
(b) A red dress.
(c) A white sash.
(d) Reading English books.

11. Why does Andrew Kadibe think it ridiculous for Chief Nanga to be the Minister of Culture?
(a) Chief Nanga is very poorly educated.
(b) Chief Nanga is culturally ignorant.
(c) Chief Nanga is insensitive.
(d) Andrew believes he should be the Minister of Culture.

12. From where is Chief Nanga's second wife-to-be?
(a) Urua.
(b) Anata.
(c) Bori.
(d) Agaba.

13. How does Odili state his view of Elsie to Chief Nanga?
(a) She is just a good-time girl.
(b) He intends to marry her.
(c) She is his best friend.
(d) He is serious about her.

14. How many wives does Odili's father have before marrying Odili's mother?
(a) Two.
(b) Three.
(c) Five.
(d) One.

15. Whom does Chief Nanga call when he comes home for lunch?
(a) The Minister of Public Construction.
(b) The Minister for Overseas Training.
(c) The Prime Minister.
(d) The Minister of Foreign Trade.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the general feeling of the people toward Odili's father?

2. What is John's most interesting claim about the his country?

3. What does Peter eventually cook for his master while Andrew Kadibe is visiting?

4. When does Odili's mother die?

5. In what regard does John claim his country is improving?

(see the answer keys)

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