A Language Older Than Words Test | Final Test - Easy

Derrick Jensen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Language Older Than Words Test | Final Test - Easy

Derrick Jensen
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Jensen tell his father he would do if his father attended his jump meet?
(a) Have him thrown out.
(b) Leave.
(c) Ask him to leave.
(d) Nothing.

2. What percentage of those polled thought it was acceptable for police to use pepper spray on nonviolent, non-resisting protestors?
(a) 25 percent.
(b) 14 percent.
(c) 86 percent.
(d) 98 percent.

3. How much honey do Jensen's bees produce their first year?
(a) 2,000 pounds.
(b) None.
(c) 3,000 pounds.
(d) 200 pounds.

4. Why do bears attack bee colonies?
(a) For honey.
(b) For adult bees.
(c) For beeswax.
(d) For baby bees.

5. What keeps Jensen from starting with bees again?
(a) Lack of money.
(b) His health.
(c) Lack of equipment.
(d) Fear.

6. How long do bees live?
(a) One week.
(b) One month.
(c) Six months.
(d) One year.

7. What is one of the most dangerous crops for bees?
(a) Nectarines.
(b) Almonds.
(c) Oranges.
(d) Alfalfa.

8. Who said "I am become death, the destroyer of worlds?"
(a) Descartes.
(b) Jesus.
(c) Adolf Hitler.
(d) Robert J. Oppenheimer.

9. For what experience does Jensen learn he has been having flashbacks to and not realizing it?
(a) Watching television.
(b) Skating.
(c) Waterskiing.
(d) Eating dinner.

10. What system to manage wealth will allow a society to be insecure?
(a) The open system.
(b) The siphon system.
(c) The closed system.
(d) The funnel system.

11. How does Jensen know it is the coyotes who are eating his offerings of bread?
(a) He sees the animals.
(b) There are no more deer left.
(c) He sees their prints.
(d) The bring him meat.

12. In order to survive, what must we learn to discern the difference between?
(a) Real and false hopes.
(b) Atrocities and mistakes.
(c) Things that are good and bad for the environment.
(d) Good and bad people.

13. In the parable of the box, who does the man on the box represent?
(a) The common people.
(b) Jesus.
(c) The authorities.
(d) Free trade.

14. From whom did Jensen borrow the money for his bees?
(a) His mother.
(b) The bank.
(c) His father.
(d) His brother.

15. Why does Jensen write that he stopped wearing the traditional bee working safety equipment?
(a) It was hot.
(b) He hired workers to tend the bees.
(c) He never got stung.
(d) He was stupid.

Short Answer Questions

1. What fruit requires a wasp to pollinate it?

2. How old was Jensen when he was diagnosed with Crohn's?

3. With what disease did the doctors in the hospital misdiagnose Jensen?

4. What does Jensen say when he is passed the talking stick?

5. Why does Jensen look for ways to ruin Weyerhaeuser's business?

(see the answer keys)

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