A Is for Alibi Test | Final Test - Medium

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A Is for Alibi Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 187 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. One of Kinsey's contacts lets her in on some new information about a past work position Lyle Abernathy held. What is the information?
(a) That Lyle had been Laurence Fife's driver.
(b) That Lyle had worked with the same firm that Libby Glass did.
(c) That Lyle had installed the alarm systems at the Fife home.
(d) That Lyle had once apprenticed with a locksmith.

2. What is the result of what Kinsey does on the insurance fraud case?
(a) The fraudster lodges a complaint with the police about Kinsey.
(b) The fraudster leaves town.
(c) The fraudster assaults Kinsey.
(d) The insurance company does not want to prosecute the case.

3. As Kinsey meets with Gwen for the third time, what does Kinsey attribute Laurence's interest in Nikki to?
(a) Male menopause.
(b) Nikki had tricked him into leaving Gwen.
(c) Gwen was uninteresting.
(d) Gwen was unattractive.

4. Whom does Kinsey phone to arrange a meeting with soon after she returns from L.A.?
(a) Her therapist.
(b) The Santa Teresa homicide detective.
(c) Mrs. Glass.
(d) Lyle Abernathy.

5. After arriving at her conclusion about Charlie Scorsoni, Kinsey looks at something she took from Sharon's apartment. What does it tell her?
(a) That Sharon had kept a diary about Laurence Fife.
(b) That Sharon had been in touch with Charlie.
(c) That Sharon had tapped her phone.
(d) That Sharon's real name was Nell White.

Short Answer Questions

1. After visiting with Nikki and Colin for the second time, Kinsey and Charlie go to the place of his friend John Powers. What do they do there?

2. While visiting Nikki and Colin for the second time, what does Kinsey tell her about Laurence?

3. Over dinner at the Ranch House, what does Charlie tell Kinsey about?

4. On a hunch and before she leaves the key place, Kinsey talks to Garry Steinberg. What does she tell him?

5. On her second visit to their house, what does Kinsey hear in the Glass's basement?

Short Essay Questions

1. After meeting with Garry Steinberg, Kinsey goes back to the Glass residence where only Mrs. Glass is waiting for her. What happens when they go down to the basement to get Libby's things?

2. After meeting with Con, Kinsey decides the time has come to finally trap Marcia Threadgill, the fraudster who is trying to get money out of the California Fidelity Insurance Company. What does Kinsey do?

3. Where does Kinsey go after she has attempted to find out more from Colin about Gwen?

4. Kinsey now knows that Gwen killed Laurence but is still puzzled about the deaths of Libby and Sharon. She realizes there must be another murderer. Where does she go, and what does she plan to do?

5. What does Kinsey do when she returns to the Glass residence the day after the explosion?

6. After Diane talks about her parents, Kinsey asks her about Bruno, the dog who died on the last Labor Day weekend Laurence was alive. How does Diane respond to this?

7. What does Kinsey learn at her meeting with Garry Steinberg?

8. The morning after Sharon Napier's death, Kinsey heads to Salton Sea. Who does she meet there, and what does she learn?

9. After Garry shares his news about Lyle, Gwen Fife calls Kinsey, and they arrange to meet for lunch. What does Gwen tell Kinsey, and how does Kinsey respond?

10. What is the result of Kinsey's going to the Ranch House restaurant with Charlie?

(see the answer keys)

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