A Is for Alibi Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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A Is for Alibi Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 187 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Kinsey plan to do after she meets with Sharon Napier?
(a) Meet with Gwen Fife's children.
(b) Visit Sharon's mother.
(c) See a television sitcom being taped.
(d) Go shopping in Los Angeles.

2. How is Santa Teresa, where Kinsey works and lives, described in Chapter 2?
(a) As a slumbering suburb.
(b) As a rundown working-class town.
(c) As a vital and exciting city.
(d) As a haven for the rich.

3. Who is Kinsey's detective contact on the Santa Teresa police force?
(a) Con Dolan.
(b) Henry Pitts.
(c) Mark Threadgill.
(d) Shaun Napier.

4. Who was Laurence Fife having drinks with on the night that he died?
(a) Henry Pitts.
(b) Libby Glass.
(c) Charlie Scorsoni.
(d) Con Dolan.

5. In L.A., Kinsey meets with Libby Glass's parents. What are their names?
(a) Charlie and Rosie.
(b) Henry and Ruth.
(c) Raymond and Grace.
(d) Lyle and Marcia.

6. When Kinsey asks Charlotte Mercer about Sharon Napier, what does Charlotte tell her?
(a) That Sharon had had an affair with Laurence.
(b) That Laurence had had an affair with Sharon's mother.
(c) That Sharon had dated Laurence Fife's older son.
(d) That she had never heard of her.

7. Whom does Kinsey interview after she leaves Nikki's former home?
(a) The pharmacist who filled Laurence's prescription.
(b) Nikki's parents.
(c) Charlie Scorsoni's secretary.
(d) Laurence's doctor.

8. Before Kinsey meets with Gwen for a second time, Charlie Scorsoni shows up. What does he want?
(a) To track down Laurence Fife's car.
(b) To apologize to Kinsey and tell her he wants to help her with the Fife case.
(c) To confess his involvement in Laurence Fife's murder.
(d) Gwen's phone number.

9. What does Kinsey remember about the Laurence Fife case that might be important to his death?
(a) That he was an alcoholic with memory lapses.
(b) That he had had several death threats.
(c) That he took allergy medication.
(d) That he was a careless driver.

10. Kinsey is trying to find out more about Libby Glass when she goes to L.A. She looks up Lyle Abernathy but finds no listing for him. What was Lyle to Libby?
(a) He was her former therapist.
(b) He was her doctor.
(c) He was her half-brother.
(d) He was an old boyfriend.

11. When Kinsey first visits him, what is the police detective's assessment of the Libby Glass case?
(a) That Libby Glass killed herself.
(b) That Libby Glass took the poison accidentally.
(c) That Nikki Fife was responsible for her death also.
(d) That someone else killed Libby Glass.

12. Soon after leaving her interview with Nikki, Kinsey returns to her surveillance of the insurance fraudster. What does she notice has changed at the woman's apartment?
(a) Her name has been removed from her mailbox.
(b) The drapes have been changed in the living room.
(c) A different car is parked in the woman's regular space.
(d) A withered plant that had been there before has been replaced with a huge hanging plant.

13. What is wrong with Libby Glass's father?
(a) He has lost his hearing.
(b) He has emphysema.
(c) He had polio as a child.
(d) He is disabled from a car accident.

14. Nikki served time for this crime. How long was she in jail?
(a) Two years
(b) Eight months.
(c) Four years.
(d) Eight years.

15. During Kinsey's first interview with her, how does Gwen describe herself in her role as Laurence's first wife?
(a) She had her own career and was rarely home.
(b) They had a long-distance marriage and she rarely saw him.
(c) She was very happy as a stay-at-home wife and mother.
(d) She was perfectly made up and dressed and was a dutiful cook and mother.

Short Answer Questions

1. The morning after arriving in Nevada, what is the first thing Kinsey does?

2. Kinsey asks Nikki to pay her $1000 up front for her investigative work. How much does Nikki write a check for?

3. After noticing a change at her insurance fraudster's apartment, what does Kinsey do?

4. Charlie Scorsoni had changed since Kinsey had last seen him at the murder trial eight years previously. What has changed about him?

5. At their first meeting, what does Gwen give Kinsey permission to do?

(see the answer keys)

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