A Is for Alibi Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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A Is for Alibi Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 187 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long ago did the crime take place that Nikki wants Kinsey to investigate?
(a) Four years.
(b) Ten years.
(c) Eight years.
(d) Two years.

2. Nikki Fife wants Kinsey to investigate a crime from some years before. Where does she meet Kinsey?
(a) At the Santa Teresa police station.
(b) At a swanky restaurant.
(c) At Kinsey's office.
(d) At Kinsey's home.

3. While at Rosie's, Nikki tells Kinsey she knows the name Libby Glass. How does she know it?
(a) Nikki went to school with Libby.
(b) Nikki's attorney mentioned it during her trial.
(c) Nikki snooped through Laurence's phone bills.
(d) Nikki had met her at a party.

4. Before she leaves the Glass's home, what arrangements does Kinsey make with Mrs. Glass?
(a) To talk to Libby's doctor.
(b) To write a book about the case.
(c) To come back and look at Libby's things.
(d) To keep in touch every day.

5. The morning after arriving in Nevada, what is the first thing Kinsey does?
(a) She leaves $50 for the friend who gave her Sharon's address.
(b) She follows Sharon to work.
(c) She finds a better motel to stay in.
(d) She heads for the nearest casino.

6. At the time she is hired by Nikki, what does Kinsey know about Laurence Fife?
(a) He was a successful criminal lawyer.
(b) He was a successful divorce lawyer who had a lot of extramarital affairs.
(c) He was wanted in Canada on a 1974 murder charge.
(d) He was a successful doctor and happily married to Nikki.

7. What does Kinsey remember about the Laurence Fife case that might be important to his death?
(a) That he took allergy medication.
(b) That he was an alcoholic with memory lapses.
(c) That he had had several death threats.
(d) That he was a careless driver.

8. When Kinsey asks Charlotte Mercer about Sharon Napier, what does Charlotte tell her?
(a) That Sharon had had an affair with Laurence.
(b) That she had never heard of her.
(c) That Laurence had had an affair with Sharon's mother.
(d) That Sharon had dated Laurence Fife's older son.

9. While they were at Rosie's, what does Nikki tell Kinsey she is absolutely convinced of?
(a) That Kinsey was the best investigator in town.
(b) That Laurence was stealing from his firm.
(c) That Laurence was going to kill Sharon Napier.
(d) That Laurence was having an affair before he died.

10. Why was Sharon Napier a witness at Nikki's trial for the murder of Laurence?
(a) Nikki had hired Sharon to tail Laurence.
(b) Sharon was the last to see Laurence alive.
(c) Sharon had threatened Laurence several times.
(d) Sharon had been a witness to a couple of their fights in his office.

11. What does Kinsey take out of the pocket of Sharon's bathrobe when she is at Sharon's apartment?
(a) A list of phone numbers.
(b) Some money.
(c) A credit card.
(d) A paper with Kinsey's name and address on it.

12. When she sees her for the first time, what is Kinsey's impression of Sharon?
(a) That she is very sharp and talks a lot.
(b) That she is tall and attractive.
(c) That she is very short and cranky.
(d) That she is slow and dull witted.

13. What does Kinsey first do to trace Sharon Napier's whereabouts?
(a) She contacts the post office for a forwarding address.
(b) She tracks her car registration.
(c) She checks the area phone books.
(d) She interviews her former coworkers.

14. Which phrase best describes the Santa Teresa detective who is Kinsey's contact?
(a) Quiet, dignified, and elderly.
(b) Unkempt, with a pouchy face and a comb-over.
(c) Young, energetic, and talkative.
(d) A sharp dresser with a sharp attitude.

15. Libby Glass worked for Haycraft and McNiece. What does this firm do?
(a) It is a business management firm that represented Laurence Fife's firm.
(b) It is Santa Teresa' most important law firm.
(c) It publishes investigative reports.
(d) It investigates wrongful death cases.

Short Answer Questions

1. Kinsey asks Nikki to pay her $1000 up front for her investigative work. How much does Nikki write a check for?

2. Soon after leaving her interview with Nikki, Kinsey returns to her surveillance of the insurance fraudster. What does she notice has changed at the woman's apartment?

3. In Chapter 3, what is Nikki's opinion of Sharon Napier?

4. With the help of a friend, which Nevada city does Kinsey find out Sharon now lives in?

5. How did the particular piece of evidence help convict Nikki?

(see the answer keys)

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