A House Divided Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A House Divided Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What emotions are on the faces of the villagers as Yuan is leaving?
(a) Relief and joy.
(b) Fear and anxiety.
(c) Pride and admiration.
(d) Sorrow and regret.

2. Who is Wang the Landlord?
(a) One of the tenants Yuan stayed with in the countryside.
(b) Yuan's classmate.
(c) Yuan's uncle.
(d) Yuan's grandfather.

3. How do the soldiers know to look for Yuan?
(a) They overheard Yuan talking about the cause with Meng.
(b) The maid gave them his description and name.
(c) Ai-lan accidentally told a soldier.
(d) Yuan's teacher turned him in.

4. What does Yuan use the plot of land for?
(a) He goes there to write.
(b) He meets there with other revolutionists.
(c) A science experiment.
(d) A school project.

5. When he's in the countryside, what does Yuan decide to do after he receives news about his father?
(a) He returns home.
(b) He continues on his journey.
(c) He stays in the countryside.
(d) He returns to school.

6. At what point does Yuan begin looking at women differently?
(a) When he talks to Ai-lan's mother about his father.
(b) When he touches hands with the maid.
(c) When he dances with a woman for the first time.
(d) When he meets the maid.

7. What is Yuan's father wearing when he returns from his absence in Chapter 1?
(a) Stolen shoes.
(b) A curtain-like robe.
(c) Muddy boots.
(d) A revolutionary's uniform.

8. What does Yuan burn before the soldiers come to raid the houses?
(a) A letter from the maid.
(b) A book about the revolutionary cause.
(c) A letter from his father.
(d) A childhood momento.

9. What is the one thing Yuan will miss when he is abroad?
(a) The plot of land.
(b) Ai-lan.
(c) The pleasure houses.
(d) His lady mother.

10. What word is considered a dangerous one in the city?
(a) Warlord.
(b) Revolutionary.
(c) Writer.
(d) Poet.

11. Why is Yuan careful about what he tells his new friend Jim?
(a) He wants Jim to think highly of his homeland.
(b) He doesn't want Jim to know he was part of the revolutionary groups.
(c) He is ashamed of the life he lived with his father.
(d) He is suspicious of Jim's motives.

12. When Yuan attends the secret meeting, how is he regarded by the rest of the members?
(a) They are immediately happy to have him.
(b) They purposely ignore him.
(c) They are too busy to notice him.
(d) They are immediately suspicious of him.

13. Why does Yuan find himself hating tradition?
(a) It prevents him in finding true love.
(b) It stifles creativity.
(c) It takes away his freedom.
(d) It is a tool used by his father to manipulate him.

14. Why are guards accompanying Yuan on his way back home?
(a) They are trying to protect him.
(b) They have directions that he must follow.
(c) They are good friends with him.
(d) They think he might try to escape.

15. What does the maid write in her letter to Yuan?
(a) That he must join the revolutionaries.
(b) That she desperately wants to marry him.
(c) That she loves him but doesn't need marriage.
(d) That she will meet him at the pleasure house.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Yuan immediately become aware of when he enters the coastal city?

2. How does Yuan show a lack of courtesy towards the old tenants, besides inviting himself into their home?

3. What does the letter Yuan receives from his father say?

4. What reason does Yuan give to Meng for not joining the cause?

5. How does Yuan feel when he wears his new clothes and looks in the mirror?

(see the answer keys)

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