A Hope in the Unseen: An American Odyssey from the Inner City to the Ivy League Test | Final Test - Medium

Ron Suskind
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Hope in the Unseen: An American Odyssey from the Inner City to the Ivy League Test | Final Test - Medium

Ron Suskind
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the A Hope in the Unseen: An American Odyssey from the Inner City to the Ivy League Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. One October evening, why does Rob yell at Cedric?
(a) Cedric will not turn off his music.
(b) Cedric threw some of his stuff away.
(c) Cedric made a snide comment.
(d) Cedric forgets to pass on a phone message.

2. After Cedric finishes his Alumni Day speech, what does he see on a step?
(a) Dried blood.
(b) Trash.
(c) Textbooks.
(d) Students making out.

3. What does Zayd write during first semester?
(a) A comedy.
(b) A short story.
(c) A racy script for playwriting class.
(d) A one-act play.

4. How is LaTisha doing at college?
(a) She is getting all As.
(b) She is transferring to a better school.
(c) She is struggling and will only take two classes next semester.
(d) She has dropped out.

5. Where will Cedric eat Thanksgiving dinner?
(a) At a professor's home.
(b) At home.
(c) At Dr. Korb's home.
(d) In the cafeteria.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Cedric's first class second semester?

2. In Chapter 10, how do Rob and Cedric amend the music rules?

3. What verse does Cedric remember in Calculus 10 class?

4. How does Cedric get a special visit with his father in prison?

5. Where is Cedric Gilliam going the day after Cedric's visit?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Helaine Schupack. Why is Cedric seeing her?

2. How does Cedric pay for incidentals at college?

3. Describe Thanksgiving dinner at Dr. Korb's home.

4. Why does Cedric write a poem instead of a paper for Wakefield's class?

5. How will things change for Cedric second semester?

6. In Chapter 10, why do Rob and Cedric change the music rules?

7. What do Zayd Dohrn's parents do in the 1960s?

8. Why is Chapter 9 titled "Bill Payers on Parade?"

9. Why does Cedric decide to take five classes second semester?

10. How does affirmative action help and hinder minority students when they want to attend college?

(see the answer keys)

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