A Feeling for the Organism: The Life and Work of Barbara McClintock Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Evelyn Fox Keller
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Feeling for the Organism: The Life and Work of Barbara McClintock Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Evelyn Fox Keller
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Barbara's uncle do for a living?
(a) He was a scientist.
(b) He was a fish dealer.
(c) He was a farmer.
(d) He was a baker.

2. What is the word that describes a chromosome that has two centromeres?
(a) Digenetic.
(b) Dichromosomic.
(c) Dicentric.
(d) Dicentromeric.

3. What did the Dean at the University of Missouri tell Barbara would happen if something happened to Stadler?
(a) That she could take the Dean's place after he retired.
(b) That Stadler would try to get her to leave.
(c) That they would promote her to Stadler's job.
(d) That they would have to fire her.

4. Who said, "For us, neither the chemical code, nor the linkage map of the chromosome, nor the genes embodied in it, are enough"?
(a) L.C. Dunn.
(b) C.D. Darlington.
(c) James Stilworth.
(d) Barbara McClintock.

5. What is the usual process by which cells duplicate themselves?
(a) Metaphase.
(b) Meiosis.
(c) Division prophase.
(d) Mitosis.

6. How long did the first conversation between Evelyn Keller and Barbara McClintock last?
(a) Forty-five minutes.
(b) Thirty minutes.
(c) Two hours.
(d) Five hours.

7. What was the name of Edward Tatum and George Beadle's hypothesis?
(a) "Two genes-one enzyme".
(b) "One gene-one enzyme".
(c) "Two genes-two enzymes".
(d) "One gene-two enzymes".

8. What characteristically induces many chromosome breaks?
(a) X Rays.
(b) Nuclear division.
(c) Sonic booms.
(d) Nuclear power.

9. What date was Barbara McClintock born?
(a) June 1, 1901.
(b) June 21, 1908.
(c) June 16, 1902.
(d) June 30, 1903.

10. How long did Barbara have the position of assistant professor?
(a) Ten years.
(b) Seven years.
(c) Three years.
(d) Five years.

11. What kind of work did Barbara's mother do contribute and make money?
(a) She gave piano lessons.
(b) She taught cooking classes.
(c) She taught dance.
(d) She gave violin lessons.

12. What did Cornell geneticists study instead of fruit flies?
(a) Caterpillars.
(b) Mice.
(c) Mosquitoes.
(d) Maize.

13. Who said, "I've known a lot of famous scientists. But the only one I thought really was a genius was McClintock"?
(a) Marcus Rhoades.
(b) George Beadle.
(c) Charles Burnham.
(d) Rollins Emerson.

14. There was a gap that appeared in Barbara's list of publications. In what year did she not publish anything?
(a) 1936.
(b) 1939.
(c) 1938.
(d) 1935.

15. What does NOR stand for?
(a) Negative opening region.
(b) Nucleolar organizer region.
(c) Nucleous orange region.
(d) Nucleus order regulator.

Short Answer Questions

1. In what year was the Recent Advances in Cytology published?

2. While at the University of Missouri, Barbara was given little encouragement and even another woman was promoted to the rank of associate professor of zoology. What was the woman's name?

3. The differences that were studied in fruit flies had to do with their eye color and what else?

4. What did Stadler and McClintock share a keen interest in concerning maize?

5. Where did Harriet Creighton take a teaching job in 1934?

(see the answer keys)

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