A Dog's Purpose Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

W. Bruce Cameron
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Dog's Purpose Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

W. Bruce Cameron
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Describe Ethan's injury.
(a) One of his legs is badly broken.
(b) One of his arms is badly burned.
(c) One of his legs is badly burned.
(d) One of his arms is badly broken.

2. What is a universal theme found in this section?
(a) A mother's love.
(b) Human hatred of dogs.
(c) A dog's loyalty.
(d) A dog's fear of humans.

3. What does Bailey smell when he returns to the house after exploring one night?
(a) Smoke.
(b) Chemical liquid.
(c) Gas.
(d) Strong perfume.

4. He compares the man who feeds him to _____________ in his last lifetime.
(a) Chad and Burt.
(b) Carlos and Bobby.
(c) Senora.
(d) Ethan.

5. What causes Flare to throw Ethan off his back?
(a) Flare sees a snake.
(b) Flare was scared by Bailey.
(c) Flare does not like to be ridden.
(d) Flare does not like Ethan.

6. Why can the main character not find a home?
(a) He is ugly.
(b) He is depressed.
(c) He is unadoptable.
(d) He is mean.

7. The main character in this chapter is ____________.
(a) Taylor.
(b) Timmy.
(c) Toby.
(d) Tommy.

8. What does Bailey see Ethan's mother doing one day at the pond?
(a) Talking to herself.
(b) Taking a little round ring from her finger and throwing it into the pond.
(c) Feeding the fish.
(d) Taking a picture, tearing it up, and throwing it into the pond.

9. What is the name of the dog who was the alpha male prior to the arrival of a new dog?
(a) Toby.
(b) Top Dog.
(c) Spike.
(d) Sister.

10. How does the main character feel about humans?
(a) He hates humans.
(b) He fears humans.
(c) He has an affinity for humans.
(d) He does not think about humans.

11. Why is Todd so evil?
(a) He has been abused.
(b) He has never had a pet.
(c) His siblings are mean to him.
(d) It is unknown.

12. With whom does the main character make friends?
(a) Coco.
(b) Carmine.
(c) Sister.
(d) Roco.

13. What does Bailey find when he goes out the new dog door to the back yard?
(a) A dead dog.
(b) A piece of meat that smells strange.
(c) A container of chemicals.
(d) A weird dog toy.

14. How is Ethan found?
(a) He hears a man calling his name.
(b) He comes across their home.
(c) He receives a call on his cell phone from his grandpa.
(d) He walks into town.

15. What happens when Toby is left in a truck?
(a) He climbs out the window.
(b) He falls asleep.
(c) He barks at the man in the truck.
(d) It gets unbearably hot, and a woman saves him.

Short Answer Questions

1. One of the main character's favorite things is to learn new tricks like "Sit" or "________________".

2. Humans and dogs have many ____________ in common.

3. When do Mom and Ethan take Bailey to the farm?

4. How does Bailey feel about this toy?

5. Where does Toby now live?

(see the answer keys)

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