A Canticle for Leibowitz Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Canticle for Leibowitz Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Brother Francis only hope to find paper artifacts in the fallout shelter?
(a) Paper artifacts are most valuable because most paper has decayed.
(b) Brother Francis confuses all paper for the paper money used before the catastrophe.
(c) Excavating for anything but paper documents has been ruled too dangerous.
(d) Brother Francis believes he can use carbon dating on paper artifacts to date the site.

2. What does Francis speculate that the stain on the blueprint might be?
(a) Leibowitz's tears
(b) Leibowitz's sweat
(c) Emily's blood
(d) Leibowitz's blood

3. What does Francis see when he awakes?
(a) a wolf
(b) a buzzard
(c) a vision of Leibowitz
(d) a vision of New Rome

4. What is the role of the Devil's Advocate?
(a) to argue against Francis's priesthood
(b) to argue for the truth of the rumors
(c) to argue against continuing the word of the Order
(d) to argue against Leibowitz's sainthood

5. What would we term Taddeo's field of study today?
(a) biology
(b) physics
(c) chemistry
(d) anthropology

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Brother Francis reluctant to speak to the pilgrim?

2. What is Brother Kornhoer inventing?

3. Why does Arkos let Francis take his vows in the Albertine Order of Leibowitz?

4. What does the pilgrim have to eat?

5. What does Paulo find in a vase of water in the guesthouse?

Short Essay Questions

1. What stops Brother Francis from sharing the pilgrim's food?

2. Describe Taddeo's ideas about history.

3. Compare the robber's view of the illuminated blueprint and the original relic to Francis's.

4. Describe Francis's reaction to the news that he's to attend the canonization.

5. Why are a shopping list and casual notes treasured finds for Brother Francis?

6. Why doesn't Francis merely tell the abbot what he wants to hear?

7. Describe Francis's life before the monastery.

8. How does Taddeo view the modern-day common man?

9. Why is Arkos glad to have the Dominicans investigating Francis's find?

10. In what way is Brother Francis's motivation selfish?

(see the answer keys)

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