A Canticle for Leibowitz Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Canticle for Leibowitz Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Mrs. Grales?
(a) a local fortune teller
(b) a mutant two-headed woman
(c) a villager who worships St. Leibowitz
(d) a mysterious holy woman who visits the abbey

2. To what does Taddeo compare the Poet?
(a) the Tower of Babbel
(b) a wise king
(c) a mad king
(d) a court jester

3. What does Asian radio say about the destruction of Texarkana?
(a) The missle came from the moon.
(b) They have know knowledge of the origin of the missle.
(c) The missle came from an orbiting satellite.
(d) An errant Atlantic missile is responsible.

4. Wat does Taddeo accuse the monks of doing?
(a) trying to keep him at the abbey
(b) forgetting their origins
(c) withholding knowledge from mankind
(d) secretly organizing against Hannegan

5. How does Paulo treat the Old Jew?
(a) as an enemy
(b) as a friend
(c) fearfully
(d) as a heathen who must be converted

6. How does Zerchi react to Mercy Camp Number 18 being set up down the road?
(a) He talks with Cors and is convinced the camp is needed.
(b) He turns a blind eye to the camp.
(c) He orders monks to picket in protest.
(d) He plans to sabotage the camp.

7. What behavior of Taddeo's party worries Paulo?
(a) heavy drinking and dancing
(b) the party pushing around the monks
(c) the officers making drawings of the abbey's defenses
(d) the officers refusing to allow the lower ranked party members to eat

8. Who is with Taddeo when he arrives?
(a) a contingent of Hannegan's men and Taddeo's companions
(b) Taddeo's two dozen companions
(c) no one
(d) a half-dozen of Hannegan's men

9. Who is Rachel?
(a) Mrs. Grales' second head
(b) Mrs. Grales' daughter
(c) Mrs. Grales' niece
(d) Mrs. Grales' sister

10. What is Thon Maho Makh investigating?
(a) the beginning of the solar system
(b) evolution and the origin of humanity
(c) the effects of nuclear radiation on humanity
(d) the possible existence of a lost pocket of civilization

11. What does the APLAC machine do, when it works?
(a) heats up food
(b) provides power to the abbey
(c) decodes ciphers used to send secret messages
(d) translates messages into other languages

12. What does the mythological Blackeneth do?
(a) sets off the first nuclear device
(b) convinces the prince that it's okay to use small numbers of nuclear weapons
(c) provides the technology to make the Great Fire
(d) warns the prince against hubris in starting wars

13. Who does Zerchi take to town?
(a) a dying girl and her suffering baby
(b) three of his monks
(c) Cors
(d) Mrs. Grayles and Rachel

14. What happens to the King of Loredo?
(a) He dies in battle.
(b) He is beheaded.
(c) He is poisoned.
(d) He surrenders immediately to Hannegan.

15. How long are the enemy cities bombed in the myth of the Flame Deluge?
(a) seven days and nights
(b) five days and nights
(c) three days and nights
(d) nine days and nights

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Paulo do to make the Poet shut up?

2. How will the Church transport the Memorabilia?

3. What does a red tag given by the Green Star Relief Station give a person the right to do?

4. What does the statue at the mercy camp resemble?

5. What does Hannegan do when the Vatican warns Hannegan's enemy about the coming war?

(see the answer keys)

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