A Bend in the River Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Bend in the River Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Father Huismans keep his collection of African artifacts?
(a) In an extra dormitory room of the lycee
(b) In his private quarters
(c) In the chapel of the lycee
(d) In the old gun room of the lycee

2. What was wrong with Mahesh's engraving machine that makes signs?
(a) The machine was too complicated for him to operate.
(b) It was impossible to assemble.
(c) No one needed signs.
(d) He could not get the raw materials to make the signs.

3. Who is Salim's first customer?
(a) Zabeth
(b) Mahesh
(c) Indar
(d) Raymond

4. In what way is Salim optimistic about the town?
(a) He sees that the youth are being educated.
(b) He thinks it will grow back if the peace holds.
(c) He sees that it is in a strategic place for development.
(d) He thinks he will be able to build his business and sell it.

5. Why does Salim buy the store from Nazruddin?
(a) To break away from his family
(b) To get away from persecution
(c) To do Nazruddin a favor
(d) For a chance to study

Short Answer Questions

1. After Father Huismans' death, what prediction of his comes about?

2. What does Salim learn from listening to the BBC?

3. What is the rumor Ferdinand spreads in the town?

4. What do the townspeople speculate about the new complex?

5. What does Zabeth represent to Salim?

Short Essay Questions

1. How do Salim and Metty begin to react with Ferdinand?

2. Explain why Zabeth brings Ferdinand to see Salim.

3. Describe Salim's family.

4. Describe the reunion of Salim and Indar.

5. What is the underlying mood of the villagers and what effect does it have on Ferdinand?

6. For what is the President's complex to be used?

7. What is going through Salim's mind as he travels deeper into the interior?

8. What happens when Father Huismans is not at the lycee when Salim goes to return the book?

9. What is Raymond's story about the President as a young man?

10. What is the problem that arises over a book?

(see the answer keys)

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