2061: Odyssey Three Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

2061: Odyssey Three Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The meal would begin with what if the drive was on?
(a) Soup.
(b) Hors d'oeuves.
(c) Sandwiches.
(d) Cocktails.

2. What is Dr. Heywood Floyd's new nickname?
(a) Suicide Floyd.
(b) Heywood Suicide.
(c) Captain Floyd.
(d) Matey Floyd.

3. When interviewed, Captain Smith was questioned about what?
(a) About how the rescue will occurr.
(b) About weightlessness.
(c) Hitting space debris while traveling so fast.
(d) About space toilets.

4. Why did Captain Smith cut the Universe's trip short?
(a) A sickness on board.
(b) They needed to go to Earth.
(c) Haley's comet was too hot.
(d) To go to the Galaxy's rescue.

5. Before the main course at dinner, what did Captain Smith do?
(a) Relay gossip obtained over the monitor.
(b) Relay current information according to latest news.
(c) Decide the menu for the coming day.
(d) Decide who was going to be on duty the next day.

6. What appearance did the black monolith have?
(a) A refrigerator.
(b) A washer and dryer.
(c) A crypt.
(d) An ordinary tombstone.

7. How long did the Galaxy have to wait to be rescued?
(a) Twenty days.
(b) Three weeks.
(c) Two hours.
(d) Twenty seven days.

8. What was the name of the ghost that appeared to Dr. Floyd on his previous missions?
(a) Dot Henderson.
(b) Gerald McRainy.
(c) Harol Darter.
(d) David Bowman.

9. About what two subjects does Dr. Floyd prefer not to discuss?
(a) His two sons.
(b) His two wives.
(c) His two friends George and Jerry.
(d) His missions to Jupitor and Lucifer.

10. What caused the morale of the Galaxy to become euphoric?
(a) The news of the rescue by the Universe.
(b) The loss of oxygen in the cabin.
(c) The death of the monster.
(d) The news that Rosie is dead.

11. What does the perturbation theory state?
(a) That Mount Zeus will rise again.
(b) That what comes around goes around.
(c) That what goes up must come down.
(d) That parts of Jupitor will return periodically to the point of origin.

12. By what is the value of diamonds controlled?
(a) The demand.
(b) The weight.
(c) The quality.
(d) The dealers and the producers.

13. Of what is Mount Zeus made?
(a) Ice.
(b) Glass.
(c) Diamond.
(d) Rock.

14. What process could remove the colloidal carbons and other compounds from the fuel?
(a) Evaporation.
(b) Distillation.
(c) Condensation.
(d) Freezing.

15. How large was the Universe's video library?
(a) Enough for a date night.
(b) Enough for a day or two.
(c) Enough for several lifetimes of viewing.
(d) Enough for a couple of months.

Short Answer Questions

1. What covers the historical monuments in the year 3001?

2. Why was Van der Berg so apprehensive about Chris Floyd?

3. Willis was upset because the diamonds were gone forever, but about what did he not know?

4. What did van der Berg's message to Earth mean?

5. What was a sign of recent occupation on Europa that Van der Berg saw?

(see the answer keys)

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