2061: Odyssey Three Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

2061: Odyssey Three Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. With whom did Dr. Floyd make his first outing on the comet?
(a) Captain Smith.
(b) Yva Merlin.
(c) Victor Willis.
(d) Maggie M'Bala.

2. What is Old Faithful?
(a) The largest geyser on the dayside of the comet.
(b) A large space pod shuttle.
(c) A large spacesuit built especially for Captain Smith.
(d) A large mountain on the surface of the comet.

3. ASTROPOL and the USSA would not admit that what did not exist?
(a) Shaka.
(b) Astrointerpol.
(c) Kije.
(d) CIA.

4. While continuing to study Ganymeade, what else does Van der Berg continue to study?
(a) Jupitor.
(b) Europa.
(c) Venus.
(d) Earth.

5. In order to go to the comet's surface what did Victor Willis have to do ?
(a) Comb his hair.
(b) Shave off his beard.
(c) Cut his hair.
(d) Put in earplugs.

6. With full thrust carrying the ship to the orbit of Europa, why was moving around in the ship hard?
(a) It was the middle of the night.
(b) The ride was rocky.
(c) Gravity disappered.
(d) Gravity returned.

7. Dr Floyd's return to Earth after his bone-breaking accident and following stay at the Space Hospital resulted in what?
(a) He developed pneumonia and had to have antibiotics.
(b) He developed a taste for fried chicken.
(c) He developed a a need for supplemental Oxygen.
(d) He developed bone necrosis in his broken bones and had to be sent back to space.

8. The reconnaissance mission will travel close to what planet?
(a) Jupiter.
(b) Mars.
(c) Venus.
(d) Europa.

9. On day five what surprise did Captain Smith reveal to the passengers of the Universe?
(a) There would be a dance later that night.
(b) There would be a special breakfast served in his honor.
(c) There would be a magic show at dinner.
(d) There was a swimming pool onboard the spaceship.

10. What did Dr.Chant observe that he reported to no one, except for with a sealed note?
(a) Ice and snow in the cavern.
(b) A snakelike monster in the cave.
(c) A human-like shoe print.
(d) A mysterious glow in the dark cavern.

11. If night and day are local customs, what is universal?
(a) Time.
(b) Months.
(c) Day.
(d) Money.

12. What company insured the chartered mission?
(a) Progressive.
(b) Geiko.
(c) Safeco.
(d) Lloyds of London.

13. How long did it take for the penetrometer to reach Europa?
(a) Five hours.
(b) Ten hours.
(c) Two hours.
(d) Eight hours.

14. Who were the two passengers to have worn a spacesuit before?
(a) Dr. Floyd and Dr.Greenberg.
(b) Victor WIlis and Maggie M'Bala.
(c) George and Jerry.
(d) Dr. Menhindrend and Dr.Oleg.

15. What color was Haley Comet's surface?
(a) Yellow.
(b) Pink.
(c) Black.
(d) Brown.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Lucifer? nebulae

2. What did Second Officer Chang explain to Steward Third Class Rosie McCullen?

3. With the loss of the Europa VI, who did van der Berg turn to for help in observing Europa out of the bright light of Lucifer?

4. Mr. Chang attempted to land on what at first?

5. What was the Lady Jasmine?

(see the answer keys)

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