Student Essay on Aboriginal Dreaming

Aboriginal Dreaming

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The Aboriginal culture has always been based around the ideal of The Dreaming. They believe that it was in The Dreaming that all things were created, and they tell of this through stories which have been passed down for generations throughout the history of the separate tribes of the Aboriginal people. It is therefore their "religion" as such.

Put as simply as possible, The Dreaming is the spiritual dimension of the physical world. It is what holds all things together and influences the whole of creation. The Dreaming permeates all facets of Aboriginal culture, and thus they have always coordinated their lives around its ideal.

Aboriginal mythology tells of the Dreaming as the creator of all things. This mythology is the backbone of their society. This mythology incorporates the stories that make up the foundations of the religion.

This is evident in such ways as the Aboriginal art. Much native art depicts stories passed down from previous generations telling of the creation of many aspects of the known world in the dreaming. These artworks are vital to the continuation of the Aboriginal way of life, as it is through the stories told by the elders that their culture remains today.

The dreaming is also present in the hunting and gathering of the Aborigines. All animals are part of the land, and it is the animals who sustain them. As such they should be treated and respected as they too hold the dreaming within their spirits.

As such, the Aboriginal people live their lives adhering to ancient ceremonial procedures and practises. Although they do not think of the Dreaming as their set "religion", they nonetheless spend their days coordinated about strict rituals as every task has an unofficial ritual to it.

The Aboriginals perform ancient rituals to strengthen their bond with the land. It is the land that is the "medium" if you will of the Dreaming. The whole cultures existence is to be one with the land that is the lifegiver for all.


"Our Land" by Lisa Higgins

Published 1999 by Seraphim Publications

The Aboriginal Spirituality Reference Page

Last updated 1/1/05