Student Essay on A Reaction to Oedipus the King

A Reaction to Oedipus the King by Sophocles

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"You can destroy your now by worrying about tomorrow."

Janis Joplin

When I was reading the "Oedipus the King," I got a thought that the author of the play wanted to prove people that they, maybe, are able to predict the future or get to know the fate in some way, but nobody is able to change the fate in life. In order to avoid the fate that was told by the oracle to Laius and Jocasta when their son was born, they gave their infant son to a servant to leave on a hillside. However, at the end of the play, when the truth of the past time became known, Jocasta had realized that there was no way to avoid the fate. And the author of the play wanted the readers of the "Oedipus the King" to realize the fact that fate can not be avoided before we are going to make a try to change the future.

On the other hand, the play can be a good evidence of the fact that there is no need for much time in order to change one's life drastically in all its means, and one day or hour is enough time for such change in life. To my mind, the only thing we are able to do is to think about possible consequences of our current behavior in the future in order to prevent the drastical change to happen in our lives, in order to prevent our lives from being ruined in one day or, even, hour because of past time.