Student Essay on Books 1-4 of "The Odyssey"

Books 1-4 of "The Odyssey" by Homer

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Book I

Book one has a lot of visual imagery. This may be because it is the opening chapter and Homer describes everyone, starting to develop everyone's character. He does this mostly by writing of how the gods and mortals look like. The gods on Mount Olympus decide that Odysseus should come home by now, regardless what Poseidon states. Meanwhile, Telemachus is dealing with the suitors that eat and make his house poor. Athene gives him advice on what to do. This first chapter contains a lot of character development, although we haven't met Odysseus yet. Homer shows Telemachus as a strong individual, but also shows that he doesn't receive a lot of respect from the suitors. This is most likely because of his young age. It also seems that the suitors are comparing Telemachus with Odysseus, who is a great and imposing man, which Telemachus is not up to par with yet.

Book II

This book develops Telemachus's character further by showing his desperation at leaving his home to the nasty suitors. Athene's character is also developed as being reassuring and an ally to Telemachus's side. Athene instructs Telemachus what to get ready for the voyage and that she will secure the ship.

Book V

In chapter five, Calypso finally frees Odysseus. This is the first time the readers see Odysseus in direct context. Homer shows that Odysseus is not the man he once was by the years of homesickness. Calypso gets Odysseus ready for the journey by helping him with a raft.