Student Essay on The Light in the Forest: Who Is the Better Father?

The Light in the Forest: Who Is the Better Father?

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Cuyloga is the better father figure for True Son. True Son, in the novel The Light in the Forest by Conrad Richter, was adopted and raised by Indians for as long as he could remember. Therefore, True son should be allowed to stay with the father he grew up knowing, because Cuyloga is a better father to True Son than Harry Butler.

Cuyloga raised True Son to be strong. He made True Son sit in the freezing river. Also he made him hold hot coals. Cuyloga taught true son to be courageous in victory and defeat when he was reminded of the story of the bear. (22). He also showed no emotion when he gave up his beloved son, True Son, to his white family.

Not only was True Son brought up strong, he was also brought up with good morals. He was taught not to scalp children, and he was also taught that what the Paxton boys did to the Conestoga was wrong (43).

Some may say that Harry Butler is actually the better father because True Son was kidnapped and adopted by Cuyloga to replace a dead son. However, True Son's blood was turned Indian and all the white blood was gone. He was also named True Son because his adopted parents thought of him as their own son.

Cuyloga is the better father for True Son because he was raised by him and brought up to be tough and bold. True Son should not have to go back to being John Cameron Butler, because he no longer thinks of Harry Butler as his father.