Student Essay on The Evils of Smoking

The Evils of Smoking

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Kenny 6C

Why should you Prevent Smoking

Did you know that there are 6 million smokers in Canada? The purpose of

this essay is to persuade people from smoking. Thankfully, since 1981 less and

less people are smoking. The fact that smoking is bad for your lungs, its bad

taste and its absolute annoyance to other people should be more than enough

reason to stop people from smoking.

Firstly, cigarettes contains over 4,000 chemicals. When these chemicals are

combined it makes tar. This tar sticks to clothing, skin and the inside of our

lungs. Also, it sticks to the cilia in our lungs which makes it harder to breathe. If

your lungs are covered in tar they can't work properly and we might die.

Secondly, smoke does not smell good nor does it taste good. When we start

smoking we might cough. The smell of smoke might make us dizzy. Normally

people won't eat something that taste bad, thus which is why there should be no

reason to start smoking.

Thirdly and lastly, smoking annoys people. If you breathe smoke from

another person's cigarette it is just as bad as smoking yourself. This is called

second hand smoking and hundreds of people die from this every year in


In Conclusion, by showing the adverse effects of smoking it should be evident

that you should not smoke. Because smoking is bad for your lungs, it smells

bad and annoys other people it is apparent that if you are smoking you should
